Max Has A Crush

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Hunter Has Died

Hunter: Remind again exactly why THAT is the name of this gc

James: You abandoned us to go back to Madison, so Max had to replace you

Max: Wow, I'm a replacement, thanks

West: Don't listen to him Max! He's just an idiot, you're a joy to have around

James: Rude

West: Don't throw what you can't catch

Hunter: And I see you weren't coming to my defence too. Thanks for that.

Hunter: I'm also not fucking DEAD btw!!!

James: Sadly not

West: Not important rn. Max, why did you just smack Eldon over the head?!

Hunter: I'm about to follow his influence if James keeps talking


Max: Cause he kept reading over my shoulder

Eldon: Not my fault that your phone was blaring up with notifications. Who are you texting anyway? You keep jumping from this chat to another?

Max: None of your business

James: He's always mysterious Eldon, you should know not to question it

Eldon: Kind of have to this time, since he was SMILING about who he was texting!

James: HE WAS WHAT?!?!?!


Max: Stfu Eldon!

James: So, who was it? The last time I saw you even come close to looking happy was when they had that discount in the mall at the milkshake place

West: Can you blame him tho? Those things were HEAVENLY!!!

Max: Eldon, you are SO lucky this was in this chat and not the other!

Hunter: Why would that matter? And what other chat btw? There's a new gc for like every combination of people that went to the studio

James: Unless he meant the full boys chat we have with Daniel and...Noah

James: OMFG!!!

West: Oh okay, so he was smiling over Noah then I guess. He's like the only one of us that Max tolerates

Eldon: So, nothing extraordinary then

James: Why do I talk to you idiots


Milk Is Friend, Not Foe

James: So, do I need to say it, or will you?

Max: At-least you decided to go to our private chat, instead of saying anything in-front of the guys

James: Noah, huh? Can't really say I'm surprised

Max: Huh? Really? How?!

James: Dude, no offence, but you almost constantly have the expression of a brick wall. Unless you're with him. You practically melt when he talks to you

Max: I do not!

James: Denial is a river in Egypt. I'm not going to judge, don't worry. Half the people I know are queer.

Max: That's not the issue with you

James: What is it then?

Max: You're just very protective over him. I know you see him as a little brother. But, I also suck at these kind of things, and you're the best at relationship advice. So, I'm in kind of a dilemma

James: Okay, yeah, I'll admit, I do get protective over Noah, you're not wrong about that, but I also want him to be happy, and I know he would be that with you. Plus, I doubt you of all people would hurt him. So, don't even worry about it

James: I am going to help you out

Max: Really?! Thank fuck! Okay, I'm terrible at this. So, I really appreciate this, and you not threatening me

James: Dude, you're a head taller than me. I don't have a death wish!!!


Therapy? No!!!

James: I need you to come to the music room after rehearsals today!

Noah: Uh...why???

James: No time for questions! Just meet me there!!!

Noah: JAMES?!


Noah: Yep, I'm gonna be killed


Milk Is Friend, Not Foe

James: I agreed to help you, but I didn't need to see you two do THAT much PDA!

Max: You say that as if all of us haven't caught you and Riley fucking in the costume closet on numerous occasions. I think you'll live through seeing me make out with my boyfriend

James: Wow, this is the thanks I get


Hunter Is Dead

Eldon: Wait, so Max and Noah like each-other???

James: YES! Omfg, how did it take you two this long?!?!?!

Hunter: I'm not even at the studio anymore and even I knew!

West: Wait, does this mean I'm the single one of the group again?

James: Yep, sorry man


Max: Idk, maybe call Daniel? He seems to like you enough

West: Since when is Max the one out of all of us giving relationship advice?!

James: Get used to it. Him and Noah were already mushy enough in rehearsals

Max: Again, you and Riley have done much worse, so I will not be taking this from you of all people

James:....I'm really regretting agreeing to help you out

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