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A/N: Hunter never moved back to Madison in season 3 because that whole part was unnecessary. Also jiley stayed broken up after season 2


Noah: Tell me why exactly I just saw you and West run out of the studio?

Noah: Also thanks for almost running me over

James: Sorry bout that

James: We had to get Hunter

Noah: For?...

James: Okay, so West got this USB stuck earlier in the mail, abs it turned out to be an invitation to this big hip-hop competition in England, but he needs 3 people to go to it

Noah: Wait really? That's amazing Jay, I know you guys are gonna kill it

James: Thanks man. So, the three of us have to get planning, gonna be a hectic few weeks

Noah: I don't trust you to do it yourself

James: Fuck you, what were you doing today anyway? Thought rehearsals were cancelled for the day

Noah: I wanted to make this new track that I've been writing, but my parents were him so...

James: Understandable

Noah: Also got some help from Amanda. It was fun, she still had a pretty good voice

James: Oh really? 😏

Noah: Yes?...what's the smirk for?

James: Nothing nothing

James: Just seems you two have been getting close lately

Noah: I guess? She's a cool person

James: I'm sure she is


Amanda: So, just would like to say that if you ever insinuate that I'm interested in Noah again then I'll cut off your balls

James: JEEZ!! Ok ok, don't need to go that far. I just thought you two might've had something going on

Amanda: Well we don't. This may come as a surprise to you James, but not every guy and girl talk to each-other just because they want to fuck

James: Ok jeez, I get it! Why are you so offended? Noah's a great guy

Amanda: I know he is...I..don't have to explain myself to you!!!

James: Ok???...


James: Hey, um...sorry if I made you uncomfortable by thinking that you and Amanda had something going on

Noah: It's fine ig

James: Trust ne, she left a very strong message that you don't. Hope that doesn't hurt your ego

Noah: It doesn't, considering I never said that I even like her

Noah: We're just friends, and I actually mean that

James: Ok sorry, what is up with you two lately? You've both been on edge


Amanda: So, I know you're closer to him than me, but I'm close to bashing James' head in with a hammer

Amanda: He's lucky he's in England rn

Noah: Why is it a thing that guys and girls can't just be friends

Amanda: Stupid society we live in

Amanda: Thought James was better then that to contribute to it

Noah: hurts more that it's him of all people doing it

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