OG Boys With New Boys

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A/N: This is a sort of AU set during season 8. Richozzy never get together, Heath doesn't get forgiven or forgives a-troupe, Thalia has dumped Eldon, and James and West aren't friends with him anymore


Kingston has added James, Eldon, West, Noah, Henry, Ozzy, Finn and Heath to a chat

Kingston: Hi OGs, can we get your help with something?

West: We are at your service, my liege

Heath: ???

James: Just....don't question it

James: What do you need?

Kingston: So, the team is having a bit of an issue rn regarding someone

Noah: You mean Heath being the mole?






James: Noah....

Noah: Oh...is this one of those things that we don't say outright to avoid being awkward?

James: Yep...

Noah: Sorry then...

James: Is alright

Ozzy: It's really not

James: And who asked you exactly?

Ozzy: Considering the fact I'm actually on a-troupe, it does concern me

Henry: Ozzy, don't start another fight

Ozzy: I'm already pissed off Henry, don't try and stop me

West: This is really a fight you should avoid

Noah: No, let James pummel him West, it will be funny

Ozzy: Even when I'm not on a-troupe you're still a dick to me

Noah: Right, right, sorry that I'm not nice to the guy that harassed my best-friend for over a year


Kingston: People people, we're going off track

Heath: And that would be? You guys are stretching this out long enough already. I already know you hate me, this is just overkill

Kingston: We don't hate you Heath

Ozzy: Speak for yourself

Finn: Okay, I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but shut up for once Ozzy

Ozzy: Why are you all attacking me?! HEATH'S THE ONE THAT BETRAYED US

Noah: Yes he did, after, what Richelle has told me, you treated him like shit and constantly insulted his dance abilities as-well as excluding him from the group at every given moment

Noah: Not exactly surprising that he did it

Henry: TF you doing Noah? These guys are our friends, why aren't you on their side

Noah: Oh so you're actually talking to me now? How has it been Henry? Considering I haven't heard a word with you since I left

Noah: And you people aren't my friends. Thought that was obvious when you all became entitled, toxic pieces of shit towards Summer and b-troupe, and destroyed all the effort I put in to help us win Regionals

Eldon: Oh god, he's being dramatic again


Kingston: What have I created???

West: A severe problem, but it is entertaining to read

James: Warning tho, we agree with Noah, and you really shouldn't expect help from us after you ruined what we all worked for

Noah: Not you though Heath. Sorry how these guys have treated you and you can talk to me if you need anything

Heath: How is it that the guy that I was never on a-troupe with is being nicer than me than my actual teammates?

Heath: Thanks guys (aside from Eldon, cause you seem like a piece of work), that means a lot

Eldon: Well that's just rude

James: Suck it up like you did after Thalia dumped your sorry ass

West: Or just eat a bunch of chocolate again, idrc

Noah: So long assholes

James, West and Noah have left the chat

Heath: Guess that's my queue to go too

Ozzy: You should've already

Heath: Oh just go and whine about how Richelle is never gonna date your ugly ass Ozwald!!!!!

Heath has left the chat


A/N: This was meant to be another one for just a joke, but it ended up with me just venting about my dislike for the second gen a-troupe

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