Finn and Shad

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Shad: Hey, is this Finn? Richelle gave me your number yesterday when we met

Finn: Yeah, that's me. How are you man?

Shad: I'm alright, just finished rehearsals with Radiation, pretty tiring

Finn: You're so lucky to be there, I would KILL to be on that team

Shad:....should I be watching over my shoulder?

Finn: Maybe

Shad: Quit staring at my ass

Finn: What-what that's not what I-

Shad: I know 😂

Finn: Oh okay, cool, cool, cool


Amy: So, are we gonna talk about what happened last night?

Piper: What happened last night?

Amy: That whole thing where Finn was looking at Shad

Amy: There were HEART eyes Piper

Piper: True, I've thankfully never seen him look at me like that

Piper: If it's true, at-least it will make it easier for me to dump him

Amy: Plus, you'll have more to talk about as just friends, as you both might be queer af

Piper: That describes most of people that go to The Next Step Ames

Piper: Nothing new really

Amy: Touché


Finn: Sorry to hear that it didn't work out with Radiation man

Shad: Thanks for that, glad I get to do what I want now though and see what opportunities are out there. Like Step Inside for example

Finn: Yeah, glad to have you around at the studio more often now

Shad: Thanks, I actually have a song that I've been working on if you want to hear it

Finn: Sure man, I'd love to :)


Piper: Hey, where are you right now?

Finn: At the studio with Shad. You alright?

Piper: Yeah, I just need to talk to you.

Finn: I'm in studio-1 when you get here.


Finn: So long my lesbian-ex

Piper: And to you my gay-ex

Finn: Can't decide if it's sad or just hilarious that neither of us realised

Piper: I prefer to go with the latter

Finn: We shall then

Piper: Seriously though, you better go and make your move on Shad or else

Piper: Richelle told me that he's been openly bi since they were 13, so you don't have that to worry about


Piper: Cause up until a few days ago you thought you were straight and in-love with ME of all people


Shad: So, I need you and the boys to come to studio-a as Richelle needs to choreograph a dance to my new song. Can you be there in 20?

Finn: Got it!

Shad: I'm just seeing your car pull up. I sad 20, not 10. Did you SPEED HERE???

Shad: Right, totally believable

Finn: 🖕

Shad: Just come into studio-1

Shad: You can use those fingers for something else later 😉

Finn: I-I.....


Shad: So, we kissed

Finn: That, we did....

Shad: You should know by now that I really don't care for being awkward, and being our age, only a small kiss really isn't something to do that over. So do you want to come to the hotel room I'm wanting, only to talk if that's what you want?

Finn: I'll definitely see you there then, and let us just see how it goes ;)

Shad: I like the way you think 😏


Finn: *picture sent*


Piper: Could've saved me that last part tho

Piper: Finn???

Piper: Oh god.....


Piper: So I think Finn just accidentally sent me a convo he had with Shad

Amy: Do I even want to know what it was about?

Piper: Well considering the way I'm only now realising how he might've sent it, I don't think you do

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