Beach Day

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Michelle: Okay, we've been in Miami for over a week now and haven't had the chance to have a beach day, despite Internationals being over, so grab your shit and meet me there!!!!

West: WOAH!!! BEACH DAY!!!!

James: Ah, the perfect spot to look for hookups

Noah: Of-course that's where your mind went

James: Why? Jealous of it?

Max: Quit the flirting and get ready. I want to pretend to be dead in the ocean

Chloe: .....are you okay Max???

Max: nope

Chloe: Okay....oh yeah, Emily, Hunter and I will be there soon, taxi is just taking awhile

Emily: I am prepared to kill this man if he drives any slower

Michelle: Please restrain her Hunter

Emily: Lay your hands on me and you're joining this driver!!!

Hunter: I'm just gonna stay out of this

Eldon: Couldn't have done that with Michelle and I's relationship???

Hunter: Still sad that gender doesn't matter to me and yet you're the only one out of that love square that I didn't hit on?


West: Ah denial, so was fortunate enough to never be in that stage

Noah: But you were in Daniel

West: Don't remind me

Hunter: Why is this homophobic prick and she-who-will-not-be-named still in this chat anyway tho?

Emily: I thought it was a good idea when I first made it to disable the "kick" function to avoid drama, and now I can't turn it back on, and none of us want to make a new one

Riley: Is that seriously what you guys call me


Noah: I think you spelt that wrong, Jay

Amanda: It's sad that we didn't get the 5 point advantage, but did anyone kind of laugh when Ella betrayed Riley???

Stephanie: Oh I had to stop myself from doing it, like, what kind of idiot shows another team their chireo?!?!?

Riley: Still here

Stephanie: Still a bitch too

Emily: Riley, if you have told mother and father that I am here, then I will personally do worse to your legs than what happened to mine at Nationals

Hunter: They still being homophobic?

Emily: Big time. Only person I still talk to in that family is Matty. Hope he can get out of there soon, but he's only 15

Noah: Still with his boyfriend?

Emily: Don't even think about it!!!

Noah: Jeez, relax, I already have feelings for another guy!!

Amanda: Wow, I wonder who it could be

Noah: Go fuck yourself (or Giselle)

Amanda: GLADLY!!!

Michelle: Okay okay, we've gone so off track! Would you guys just get here?!?!?


James: If you people need me, I will be wallowing in my shame

Michelle: Oh come on, it wasn't THAT bad


Amanda: I think SOMEBODY liked it

Noah: One more word, I SWEAR!!!!!

Stephanie: Well, James has just traumatised a bunch of children

Emily: And the lesbians of the group

Amanda: True that

West: Would you at-least come out?

Noah: Thought he did that ages ago?

West: I meant from his room

Noah: Don't think that's happening, he's now crying in the shower

Chloe: Seriously?!?!?

Noah: Eh, more-so just screaming and unintelligible noises, but you know what I mean

Noah: I'm just eating skittles, so dinner and a show

Noah: *voice note sent*

Michelle: I can really see now why he's a drummer for his band and not a singer

Noah: Don't remind me. I've had to listen to that awful singing ALL WEEK!!!

Noah: heiwjvwkshebwhwhdveh

West: Why the keyboard smash???

Amanda: Gay panic or.....

Stephanie: He ain't answering

Max: You think James offed him for recording him crying?

West: No, I can say whole heartedly that Noah is the only boy on this team that James wouldn't hurt

Amanda: Hah, gay

Giselle: That's like, almost the entire team babe

Cierra: Seriously tho, is Noah dead or...

Noah: Nope, just even more traumatised

Noah: I have joined the group of people that James has flashed today





Hunter: You two do realise you are in the same room right? There's no need for you to text each-other on here

Hunter: Unless you're just doing this to ignore the sexual tension that's building because of what happened 😏


Stephanie: Anyone else think at this point that James is just practicing to be a stripper incase his band doesn't work out???

Michelle: Who would pay to see him???

Michelle: text of retaliation from James, that's weird

Amanda: Let's just talk about something else, cause my lesbian mind does not want to think about what that could mean

Max: The asexual in me agrees

Riley: Alright, then how is everybody then?

Amanda: Never mind, the mental image of somebody that's like my little brother having sex is still better then talking to this bitch

Riley: Still jealous that Janes dated me after you or something you know what a lesbian is or???

Hunter: Omfg, well, at-least that answers how stupid Riley could be to fuck up her relationship with someone as hot as James

Emily: Pretty sure he's taken now Hunter

Hunter: Hey, I'm up for anything 😉

Cierra: Can we please stray away from this horny mf?

Chloe: Seriously Hunter, you need to get a partner or something

Hunter: Eh, Emily and I wanted to go to a club while we're here, so I think I'll just stay with that

Emily: Perks of being one of the only 18-year-olds in this group

Michelle: Mother fuckers

Emily: I'll have you know that I do not in fact have intercourse with my homophobic, piece of shit, mother

West: Yeah, why has nobody ever talked about how weird that insult actually is

Stephanie: Cause we have better things to do with our lives?

Amanda: You're texting in this gc, so clearly not

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