New job

943 35 15

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I walk out of the bathroom and Seraphine immediately covers her eyes making me raise an eyebrow until I remember that I'm only wearing a towel.

Yasuo :"Dude we have a guest."

(Y/N)   :"Sorry."

I rush to my room and put on a dark blue T-shirt, black shorts and slippers then head back to the couch. Yasuo sniffs me and folds his arms.

Yasuo :"Is that my cologne?."

(Y/N)   :"I'll buy you a new one."

Yasuo :"That's not know what. Fine."

(Y/N)   :"So did anything interesting happen during my absence."

Yasuo :*deep breath*"Oriana kinda called during day 7 and she was pissed. She said you're fired and sent your belongings with someone named Rosa."

(Y/N)           :*sigh*"Well there is only so much she can take. This sucks. I kinda liked working there."

Seraphine :*frown*"Looks like Yasuo was right. You do go through a lot on a regular basis. I can help you cover some of your expenses if you want."

(Y/N)           :"Nah don't worry I have a bit of cash saved up. It should be enough to cover me while I look for something new to do."

Seraphine :"OK. Anyway I want some answers."

Yasuo         :"Isn't it a bit too early for an interrogation?."

(Y/N)           :"It's cool. Shoot."

Seraphine :"Where were you all these years and why didn't you try contacting me?."

(Y/N)           :"Well 3 months after we last talked I got run over by a car and spend 3 years going through intense physio therapy to learn to walk again. I spend the next year and a half applying for jobs and as you can imagine it's difficult for a guy with no powers to get a job. I eventually got one at Hextech and moved to Piltover. When I arrived I saw that you had made quite a name for yourself so I decided not to bother you."

Seraphine :*teary*"You Idiot. YOU STUPID IDIOT."

(Y/N)           :"This is the last time I'm going to say this to you. The guy you met all those years ago is gone. Now I'm just an empty husk trying to hold on for as long as I can."

Seraphine :"You don't get it do you. You may have forgotten me all those years ago but I never once stopped thinking about you. You were the first friend I ever had and every day you'd make me laugh and make my solitary life less lonely. Not only that but..."

She takes out the device I designed for her.

Seraphine :" designed this. You are the reason why I can sing and pursue my dreams. That's something I can't just toss aside and forget. You gave me hope and now that I have found you I want to be there for you as a friend."

(Y/N)          :"I'm sorry but no. I didn't intend for all that to be a life long debt. I was just trying to help. From now on I'm freeing you from feeling that you owe me. Please go out there and continue to grow. I'll be cheering for you."

Seraphine :"I see. Well then I think I should get going and I wish you the best of luck (Y/N)."

She gives me a hug and I really want to hug her back but I know I shouldn't. This is the only way she can have a good ending. She stops hugging me and takes off. I turn to Yasuo who is eying me like I'm the biggest scumbag in the universe.

'Well you blew it buddy but I guess you made the right choice.'

(Y/N)   :"Alright. Let's hear it."

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