Through The Storms, We Stand

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Two Weeks in Sunnydale and things were never simple.

When Buffy had first arrived at her house, she had sputtered at the sight of 30 odd girls sleeping on the floors, sleeping bags scattered everywhere in her entire house as well as a very exhausted Jeremy who had been bandaging up some freshly busted knuckles on the couch given that it was only him, Faith and Spike that had the current strength to take on their enemies. Between training and constant patrols, the fighting never stopped.

The minute she arrived, Jeremy had filled her in on all the little details that Giles had decided she didn't need to be aware of.

Robin, the son of a previous Slayer, whom Spike had killed in the '70s locked the vampire in a cross-covered room, intent on killing him and Giles pretty much set it up as the chip had been messing with him. Learning that Spike had a soul almost had Buffy almost completely losing her mind. However, it made her decision to compel some doctors to remove the chip that much easier given it was killing him.

They needed Spike in this fight.

No matter how much Giles was refusing the acknowledge it.

At the end of the day, they were limited in the number of people with the strength and abilities that could actually be used to keep these girls safe. To ensure that most of them were alive when this was over.

Buffy liked most of the potentials, however, there was one in particular that kept glaring at her with this unwavering cocky attitude and jealousy. Jealousy that had only gotten worse when Buffy had with ease defeated the Turok-Han.

A species of ugly ass uber-vampires that not even Faith had been able to take down.

It was safe to say Kennedy was not a fan of her.

She gave off petty spoilt child energy, something that Jeremy had very much agreed with given he had been stuck training her and had almost punched her six times every time she started talking like she was the Queen of England. Apparently, she was an heiress who had been raised by her parents and watcher to believe that becoming The Slayer was her god-given right.

Kennedy was not a fan of her powers, especially after seeing them in comparison to Faith. If anything that seemed to fuel her hatred for Buffy given that even if she was the one chosen next, she would still be weaker than the Demonic Hybrid.

It was obvious to both Buffy and Jeremy, that this was someone who had never been told no in her entire life. Had been granted her every wish on a silver platter. The only thing that hadn't been handed over to her was the title of The Slayer.

Something Buffy had.

Something she had surpassed.

Kennedy's whole attitude was that being chosen as The Slayer was an amazing gift. Like was this great honour that Buffy had seemingly been lucky enough to be given.

It honestly reminded Buffy too much of Quintin Travers and the other watchers.

Hence, she tended to not spend a lot of time with Kennedy.

However, today the tensions had finally boiled over between everyone currently crashing in Buffy's home.

With Jeremy and Buffy standing side by side, Spike to their left, making it clear which side he was on, they faced off with the rest of the group.

Giles, Willow, Faith and Robin were hovering in the middle.

In the two weeks since Buffy had arrived, the potentials seemed to have been expecting her to just fix everything in the span of a few minutes. Something that wasn't exactly possible given the enemy they were facing had an army of possibly millions down inside of the Hellmouth and still had an army of Bringers running around the pretty much-abandoned town.

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