You Will Always Be My Person

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Light flickered back in, flooding Buffy's vision as she let out a loud gasp, shooting up from the pillow Davina had placed under her head. Black demonic veins were moving under her skin, but she couldn't feel it. Everything was too muddled. Panicked breaths escaped her as she frantically glanced around the room around her.

Everything was foggy, it didn't feel real.

What was reality?

Were the church walls around her real or just another level in Finn's twisted mind games?

"What's wrong with her?"

Ignoring the girl who had slapped him awake, Klaus quickly crouched in front of Buffy, grabbing the pillow from the floor and forcing it into her hands.

Given he had woken up on the hard floor with Davina slapping him in the face and no pillow under him, it was clear she liked Buffy a lot more than she liked him.

"Love, this is real."

The pillow hit the ground in an instant.

Buffy just scrambled back eyes frantically jumping around the room in terror, ready for the next ghost to rush at her and drag her back down into the depths of hell.

The instant she moved to run, he was behind her, strong arms wrapping around her, pinning her back to his chest as she rived trying to escape "Squeeze my arms three times." He had given her the pillow first for a reason. He had noticed her habit of squeezing any object when she was uncertain three times. A way for her to reassure herself that she wasn't hallucinating again.

Buffy just let out a scream, legs flailing around as she tried to shake him off "Get off me!"


One of the pews went flying as her foot slammed into it causing Davina to gasp in shock before she focused back on the traumatised woman in front of her who had Klaus struggling with her strength

Buffy Summers had Klaus Mikaelson struggling.

Since the moment she had met Klaus last year, she had never seen him struggle under someone else's strength unless there was magical interference. The fact that just Buffy's brute strength had his arms shaking officially had her intrigued.

Buffy's back collided with the wall as Klaus sped her into it, pinning her there. Letting his eyes scan her for a second, he let out a sigh of relief. There were no bite marks. The vampires hadn't torn into her like Finn had taunted.

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