Shadows In The Sea

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Caroline was officially in panic mode.

When she and Elena had offered to help Meghan move into her new apartment as a subtle way to do some snoopy to ensure she wasn't a threat, they had found an entire box of vervain tea as well as water bottles filled with the herb.

Slamming Xander and Elena's front door behind her as the two re-entered the couple's apartment, Caroline finally lost it "She knows who we are. She drinks Vervain water."

"What's going on?" Xander asked from his place perched on the floor where he had been building the frame for the shelves. Spotting the panicked look on both girls' faces, he pulled off his gloves, moving over to kiss the side of Elena's head before eyeing them both closely.

Something had obviously happened, he just had no idea what silent conversation was going on as the two girls exchanged looks.

Girls were so confusing.

Elena just sighed "Caroline found bottles of Vervain water in Megan's kitchen. But it doesn't mean she knows about us."

"We live on the same floor as her!" Caroline argued, her panic levels just growing more intense by the second "What if she's a hunter and she stakes me when we are asleep? Or she sets you and Xander on fire!"

Xander's eyes widened in panic "I'm not okay with being set on fire! Elena!"

"She's not gonna set us on fire." Elena quickly promised her boyfriend before turning to her best friend "If she was a hunter we would be dead by now."

Her comment was not helping Caroline's ever-growing sense of paranoia. Even if they lived in Whitmore now, that didn't change the fact that any time they started to relax everything went to hell; then they were all running for their lives again "I think we should lock her up. You know, let the Vervain get out of her system and then I can compel her to forget about us."

Elena's eyes widened in horror and she turned to Xander for help but he quickly shook his head backing away from the pair, intent on hiding away in carpentry "Nope. Demons, vampires I can handle. Crazy"

And with that, he walked back to his project while Elena groaned in defeat knowing she was on her own here.

Turning back to her best friend, she placed her hands on Caroline's shoulders, trying her best to calm the freaking out narcotic vampire "Caroline, I'm not kidnapping our next-door neighbour. The best way to convince her that we are normal is to act normal. We are going to go to the party tonight and do normal stuff."

"Ah, Elena..." Xander called suddenly from the living room, dread dripping from his voice.

The sudden shift in tone caused Elena to frown in confusion as she turned to her boyfriend. Instantly she paused at the look on his face. He looked scared like he really didn't want to tell her what was running through his mind right now.

Which meant it had to be bad.


Xander winced as he put down the phone, he really did not want to do this "Jeremy got kicked out of community college. His professor wants to talk to you."

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