Sins Of The Past

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The anchor for The Other Side.

The search for the mysterious item that kept The Other Side afloat for the past 2,000 years was finally happening. Silas had managed to get the location of the anchor out of Tessa's head which meant for Jeremy and Damon, phase two was complete.

All they had to do now was get their hands on it first so that Willow could make a copy to trick Silas.

The issue?

None of them knew what the thing actually looked like.

"Ok. Where is this stupid Anchor thing?" Jeremy questioned as he followed Damon and Silas into the large warehouse they had spent hours driving to.

Silas just shrugged as he glanced around the hundreds of crates and boxes "I have no idea."

Damon and Jeremy shared a quick look.

That was not the answer they wanted to hear.

Damon sputtered as he glared over at the newly re-born witch, he couldn't be serious, he had dragged them all the way to New Jersey of all places and he didn't even know what the anchor looked like?!

"What do you mean you have no idea?"

A small innocent smirk appeared on the witch's lips at Damon's clear irritation "Give me some credit, man. I did psychically dive into Tessa's mind to see this specific warehouse."

Jeremy groaned in annoyance before following the vampire and witch as they began walking through the huge warehouse. With every crate he passed, he couldn't help but sigh. He had been on board with Willow's idea, but now that they knew Silas didn't even know what the anchor looked like it made everything more complicated.

He really wished Buffy was here.

But, he also didn't want her to leave where she was given how long it had been since she had been able to see her daughter.

While he and Bonnie had disagreed on this resurrection plan, they had agreed that the main priority was keeping Joy safe, so Buffy needed to be there.

"What does it look like?"

"Again, I have no idea." Silas repeated as they walked past the endless identical aisles "Tessa created it after she locked me away in a tomb for 2,000 years and left me to starve. Remember? Remote island, creepy hallucinations and that bitch the First?"

Jeremy clenched his jaw.

Of course, he remembered, he had died in that tomb, his sister had found his body and his eldest sister had been forced into early labour almost dying on that island.

Spotting the way Jeremy's left eye was twitching, his fingers clenching tighter around Mr. Pointy (which was now officially his) Damon shot him a glare warning him silently to calm the hell down.

Yes, they were now at a disadvantage but they couldn't risk making it any worse.

It was bad enough that their simple trip had just become more drastically complicated.

"Wait. You don't know where it is or what it looks like?" He questioned Silas purposely moving in front of Jeremy.

Silas just rolled his eyes "It binds a spell to a supernatural hell dimension. It's not gonna look like a freaking IKEA sink."

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