The Paradox Of Choice

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"You really going to torture him if he doesn't agree?"

While Damon had no problem with torture, it was still a little surprising to hear Buffy was so up for it. However, he wasn't going to complain about it as long as the torture-chaotic look in her eyes wasn't directed at him. Unlike the others, he had enjoyed Demon-Buffy during her dark period, or at least he had until she straight-up had him thrown into the New York City dump.

Which was on a freaking boat!

It had taken him an hour to get back to the mainland and a further two hours to try and wash the smell of garbage off his skin.

As he watched that dark look in her eyes, his mind couldn't help but think back to all of the articles Stefan had found about bodies being scattered around the highway between Virginia and Louisiana. Deaths caused by the one and only Demonic Hybrid.

He still found that dark look in her eyes weirdly sexy.

Buffy had been good lately and there hadn't been a flicker of those black eyes but he could tell from the way she was tensing as she clutched onto her martini glass that she was on edge.

Then again, they were waiting for Silas.

Of course, she was on edge given the history.

Buffy just let out a flat laugh at his question, her eyes focused on the olives in her drink "He killed Jeremy, he tortured Bonnie's mind and she died trying to fix what he did. He had my daughter put on a supernatural hit list and worked with The First to send Caleb after me. Then to top it off, he locked Stefan up in a safe at the bottom of the quarry." She finally let her gaze drift back to him, determination flooding her veins "I have no problem torturing him. I will rip off his head and give his brain to Willow to dissect if needed."

Damon couldn't help but grin as much as he knew he shouldn't, he loved when Buffy dived into that piece of darkness inside of her. Letting her saviour complex vanish to the back of her mind for a little while.

He and Buffy had always worked best together when she let herself go a little.

Murder buddies for the win!

"Is it wrong I kind of hope he says no?"

The teasing tone got her angry look to falter as she found herself giggling at the child-like excitement in his eyes "So you can watch me rip him limb from limb?"


When he smirked at her quickly gesturing for the bartender to bring them another round, Buffy shook her head in amusement.

However, all fun and games quickly disappeared as the douche who had been making their lives hell for the past year finally appeared.

Her entire body tensed up as a smug Silas chose to take a seat beside her, his stupid handsome face grinning down at her.

She hated him.

"So why did you call me?" Silas queried not letting his smirk falter for a second.

Buffy just groaned in annoyance, he was acting like he had won a damn prize.

Tapping Buffy's back softly, Damon let his eyes drift over to the ex-witch who promptly stole the martini in front of Buffy for himself.

"Same reason you answered. You need help. And I'm gonna help you."

His phrasing cued Buffy to grin as she snatched her glass back from Silas and started to refill it with the jug of cosmopolitan that the bartender had given her "He's gonna help...I'm gonna threaten."

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