This Love Came Back To Me

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In the supernatural world, almost everything was possible. 

It was almost impossible to find a problem that didn't have some kind of loophole just waiting to be found. Curses could be broken, spells could be interrupted, and powerful beings always had some kind of weakness that helped balance the scales. Nothing was 100% unchangeable or indestructible in the supernatural world.

What was a known unchangeable fact, was that good things rarely happened to Buffy Anne Summers.

Yes, there were bursts of small happiness, but a dark cloud was always hanging over her head, ready to destroy the good the second she finally felt settled and safe.

Hence why she was 100% certain that she was hallucinating again.

Bonnie Bennett was in front of her, previously dead Bonnie Bennett who had happy tears spilling down her cheeks.

Buffy was frozen, unable to do anything but stare at the other woman as she remained by Klaus. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't even blink. All she could do was stare at the other half of her soul as she took another step into the loft.


Bonnie was alive?


This had been some trick, someone playing with her head in an effort to mess with her. Finn. This had to be Finn messing with her mind again, trying to get her to lower her guard.

Stumbling back a little, water blurred her vision as she tore her eyes away from Fake-Bonnie glaring up at the ceiling "Finn, I am going to kill you! You hear me! Possessed witch on a stick!"


Klaus shook out of his own state of shock, reaching out toward Buffy only for her to slap his hand away as he reached for her.

They really couldn't afford her having another freak out right now, plus, he wasn't in the mood for her to start punching him in the face again.

"You pushed Elena out of her crib when you were a toddler." Bonnie pipped up suddenly causing Buffy to go dead still, eyes widening, water desperate to flood over her cheeks, bottom lip quivering as the voice she had missed so desperately filled her ears for the first time in almost 8 months.

"You gave Jeremy his first joint but told Elena it was your Grandpa Seth. Caroline used to clean your room when she was stressed, you and I married Mr Gordo and Miss Cuddles when you were five and I was four."

The tears finally started to fall, Buffy's entire body starting to shake violently with every step Bonnie took toward her.

This couldn't be real.

"Then we divorced them five minutes later." Bonnie let out a small laugh at the memory wiping at her cheeks as she finally stopped in front of Buffy "You love Stark Trek, say you prefer New Generation when in truth you like the original. You held me when I lost my Grams, you are the worst person to share a bed with because you jump at every little sound."

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