Ripples In The Sand

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Everything went to hell.

It was safe to say that without Buffy Summers as the voice of reason and their constant protector the Mystic Falls group were floundering.

After Silas had attacked and Stefan had kidnapped Amara, Elena and Xander were quickly trying to find Tessa to finish the spell to bring Bonnie back. After everything it couldn't end now, not after everything they had done to get to this point. They were so close; there was no way they were going to give up now.

They were getting Bonnie Bennett back.

"Elena in here!" Xander called into as he rushed into the parlour room, his eyes quickly landing on a blood soaked Tessa.

It was crystal clear that her fight with Silas had been bloody and while technically speaking Tessa had more power than him, clearly her emotions had left her struggling against him. Given how manipulative Silas was, Xander could imagine that the ex-immortal had dug right into her core with his words, hitting all of these emotional buttons, leaving her unable to fight with a clear mind.

Crouching down beside her, he couldn't help but wince at the pipe currently impaled through her shoulder, her blood staining the metal into a more rust like colour "Damn not pretty. Been in your position." Given the woman had threatened to kill his girlfriend he smiled slightly as she shot him a vicious glare when he pocked the wound with his finger "Hurts right?"

"You're amusement is hilarious." Tessa hissed through her pain just as Elena rushed into the room.

Without hesitation, the Banshee yanked the pipe out of the witch's arm before forcibly yanking her to her feet "Get the hell up. You're not done yet."

Tessa was bringing Bonnie back, Elena was determined to ensure it.

With Stefan holding Amara captive they needed to do this quickly, they couldn't take the risk of her dying while still the anchor to The Other Side.

Xander couldn't help but grin at his girlfriend as she started shoving Tessa back toward the magic set up "This dark attitude is really sure you're not a demon?"

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"Get her out of here till I get them upstairs with the delivery guy's blood."

The second Marcel's words hit the air, Klaus jumped into action, not even giving Buffy a moment to say anything back to the vampire. She had offered them a temporary solution but it didn't do anything to lesson the concern that was bubbling inside of him. While he had no doubt Buffy could kill every vampire in here with ease, it didn't make him any less worried about her safety given that she wouldn't be willing to just kill them all.

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