Deceit And Betrayal

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Letting her eyes linger on the wolves outside and Josh, who was speaking to one of them who she could only assume was the maybe-boyfriend, Buffy felt her fingers twitch nervously. Even if the vampires now had a bit of blood in their system, the scent of her blood was lingering in the air and she could only assume all of them were struggling under the constant sound of the blood pumping through the veins of every single werewolf just a floor away from them.

"My blood being out there is putting your guys on edge." Buffy told Marcel as she started pacing back and forth, her eyes once again drifting to the top floor where she could see several vampires clutching their stomachs. 

All of their eyes jumped between the bowls of her blood and the only other fresh sources of food.

"If they all got along it would make them fight harder, but they all hate each other."

As much as he hated it, Marcel couldn't help but agree with her observation as he moved to stand by the door, his eyes glued to his struggling vampires, all of them on the brink of finally cracking despite the warnings that had been given. The tension in the Compound was practically screaming in all of their ears. Hunger could make you stupid, but it was even worse when you were new and hadn't learnt control yet. It was why so many young vampires ended up going on a killing spree the second the blood hit their tongues for the first time.

Buffy sighed before placing her palms against the dining room table, her fingers tapping against the smooth wood as she let her eyes focus on Kol "Please tell me your experiments mean it's hocus-pocus time now."

Kol was silent for a moment, letting his eyes focus back on the small bowl of her blood in his hands and his notebook which was littered with a mixture of notes in different languages. 

He loved magic so much. 

He knew more about it than most people on this planet, but when it came to voodoo it had never piqued his interest. It had Marianna's and now she was a world away, not knowing he was breathing meaning he didn't have her at his side to bounce around ideas.

Placing the book on the table next to the blood, he flipped through the pages till he landed on one with both his own and Marianna's writing. 

Both of them mixed two types of magic in one of their failed attempts to get his magic back when he was still a vampire.

Mixing magic was dangerous but it was what Finn was doing.

"Finn's boundary is too strong's mixed magic me and Mari's speciality."

Without hesitation, Klaus started pulling out his phone, intent on demanding Marianna show up and fix the problem only for Kol to wave his wrist sending the phone to the other side of the room.

In less than a second
, Buffy was in front of Kol, a hand pushing against Klaus's chest before he could advance on his brother "Enough." She hissed her eyes darkening as she glared up at him "Mari is in another dimension at the moment so even if we needed her, she wouldn't answer the phone." With that, she glanced back at Kol "So the plan?"

Biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at the way she instantly defended him, Kol tapped his fingers against his notebook again, summoning all attention to him "Okay, so we know Finn is probably channelling dark totem, using voodoo to keep you-" He wiggled his finger in Buffy's direction "-from breaking down the thing. But he is mixing his magic with Vincent's natural store of ancestral magic which has access to all of the New Orleans ancestors. We can't use your blood to bring down the whole thing because of the totems plus the ancestors hate you so would fight back against any attack, funnelling more magic into the barrier. But before they realise what we're doing maybe we create a temporary tear long enough to get the wolves out before the magic reseals."

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