Lost Souls In The Wind

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That had to be what was driving Stefan right now, one second he had been fine then he had completely zoned out, staring off into space as though trapped in a loop.

Honestly, it reminded Buffy of when she used to get her flashes, which made sense given what Mary had told her about the memory potion.

A memory could never truly be erased, it could only be shoved down behind walls. It was why memory spells and compulsion were more effective on those who didn't have to be around people associated with the memories that had been erased.

Caroline had felt deja vu the second she stepped into the Boarding House during their triple date night in High school even though Damon had wiped it away.

The memories were still there just under the surface.

Blood was a very instrumental part of most of Stefan's memories, whatever memory had set him off sent him back into panic mode.

When Stefan was unsure of himself, he dived into blood.

Trudging through the woods, her boots sinking into the mud with every step, Buffy swallowed her annoyance at the dirt staining her shoes, focusing on the problem at hand.

Xander was handling the Gallery, Caroline was on a sort of date, she had spoken to the newly turned vampire that had shown up in Cleveland office, the 15-year-old girl who was the daughter of a vampire hunter; offered her sanctuary and Willow had just texted her.

Willow and Tara had landed so would start to locator spell for Bonnie.

This meant, for the time being, Buffy could focus on one problem.

Stefan and his bloodlust.

Hence why she was calling Damon to fill him in on what had gone down between her and Stefan this afternoon.

After what felt like an eternity, Damon finally answered his voice slightly slurry signalling that a few drinks had already entered his system.

What the hell had he and Jeremy talked about to get him slurring his words already?

It had to be juicy for sure.

"Um...Buffy...I-I um, what's up?"

Buffy momentarily faltered in her steps as she approached the car she had been borrowing for the past few days. It was technically the car she had gotten Jeremy as an early 21st birthday present.

Though she still had their bar crawl in Boston noted in her calendar.

Something was wrong.

Damon's voice sang with dread like he was holding something back because he truly had no idea how to explain what was on his mind.

"You're being wiggy. Is Jer okay?"

Damon once again hesitated unsure of how to explain what Jeremy had revealed to him to her.

Especially over the phone.

If he was going to be the one to break the news, it had to be in person.

Unlike Elena, who had been happy and all loved up all summer, Buffy had been dealing with the worst two years of her life, literally mourning her daughter's death over the summer while everyone moved on.

Buffy just being in Mystic Falls would have her on edge given the history and the last time someone pushed her over the edge...she had gotten all with the demonic highjacks and murdery.

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