A Witch's Soul

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Damon Salvatore was missing.

No one had been able to get ahold of him all night. It was like he and Wes had disappeared off the face of the planet which left a sinking feeling in her gut. So with Caroline on Jessie watch, Bonnie having taken off during the party and Stefan still God Knows where, that meant Elena was officially stuck with Find-Damon-Patrol.

Hence why she had gone to Aaron.

Aaron saw Wes like family, if anyone might be able to figure out just where Wes might be hiding away possibly torturing Damon it would be him.

While she and Damon weren't the closest, the guilt bubbling in her chest had her determined to find him. She had been the one to drag him into all the Whitmore drama and had asked him to get information out of Wes. He wouldn't be in trouble had it not been for her so the least she could do was try and help him out of whatever situation he was now stuck in.

Following Aaron into Whitmore house, Elena felt confusion start to flood her veins as her eyes latched onto a frame hanging from the wall.

There was a photo in the middle of the wall. 

One she had never seen in all the times she had been to the parties thrown here at the start of each semester.

How the hell could she have missed it?

"That's my dad and my Uncle Hank."

"Grayson Gilbert and Hank Summers were two of the brightest minds Augustine ever had..."

A dark shiver rushed down Elena's spine at the sudden voice speaking up from behind her. Wes. Her entire body was on alert in a second, hands twitching as she slowly turned, eyes narrowing as she was met with a smug face now standing beside Aaron.

Aaron had sold her out.

Which meant she was in a lot of danger right now. 

Even with years of training and her powers, Wes had managed to beat Damon and lock him up somewhere so she couldn't risk dropping her guard right now.

"Grayson was one of the best doctors. And Hank never failed to bring in new investors. The man knew his way around a conversation."

An understatement, Hank Summers had been a terrible father, but he had been a manipulative genius who knew how to phrase sentences so that you never doubted him for a second.

Wes tilted his head, eyeing Elena closer, a curious glint in his eyes that had her stomach dropping.

He was looking at her like he wanted to open her up like a cadaver and experiment on her organs.

"I saw what you did to Jessie. That makes you a banshee. Which means I don't need Vervain."

The second she saw him take a step forward she moved only to cry out as a baseball bat was swung right across her face, sending her crashing to the ground. Elena couldn't help but wince as the side of her head cracked against the hard floor. Years spent training only to start slacking. Honestly, she couldn't remember the last time she did any form of training like she used to with Buffy and Alaric.

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