One Hour, 60 Minutes, 3600 Seconds

331 14 10


Joyce Jenna Summers-Mikaelson.





That was all Buffy could think about as her knee continued to bounce up and down in anticipation. They had been driving all night and to be honest, Buffy had no idea where they were right now, there had been so many town and state signs but she hadn't been able to focus on them. Her thoughts were completely consumed with what was about to happen in just under an hour.

In 60 minutes she would be reunited with her daughter after 7 long agonizing months without her.

While the photo Willow had given her when she returned to Mystic Falls had shown how much Joy had changed from that tiny two-month-old baby she had given up, actually seeing her in person was going to be another world.

Had her hair grown? Was her hair still that golden blonde like hers with crazy uncontainable curls her grandmother had possessed?

Joy would be 9 months old now, an actual tiny person.

She would be able to hold her own head up, sit up, grip onto her toys with ease and she would be crawling.

Buffy's eyes blurred slightly at the realization of just how many firsts she had already missed.

She hadn't seen Joy crawl for the first time nor roll over all on her own. Momumentus moments she had missed because people wanted her innocent little girl to die. Joy was at the age where she would be getting ready to start trying to stand up on her own.

What if she missed more? 

Just because she and Klaus were getting to see her today, that didn't automatically mean they were bringing her home with them.

Feeling a hand rest against her knee to stop the constant shaking, Buffy blinked back the tears that had formed as her mind spiralled to look at Klaus. Offering her a small smile he removed his hand from her now steady leg before pointing to her phone where the constant yells of Damon Salvatore continued.

Buffy had forgotten she was in the middle of a conversation with the vampire, her mind had just started to drift the second Klaus told her it would only be an hour more.

One Hour. 60 Minutes. 3600 seconds.

"Love if you do not respond he will continue to give me a migraine and I will be forced to retaliate by severing his head from his neck."

Buffy snorted at that.

Damon however didn't find it as amusing "Screw you too Klaus! All talk no action you're losing your touch." Klaus narrowed his gaze on the phone; all thoughts drifting to the millions of different ways he wanted to end Damon's miserable existence "Now give me back my best friend before I find a way to have you skinned and turned into a fur coat."

"Damon." Buffy cut in before he could completely secure his own death sentence "I'm in the middle of nowhere, I haven't slept, and my hair is a mess because of that wig- " She immediately shot Klaus a sharp look making it clear he was to never ask about that specific topic "And I'm starved. Don't start a fight I will have to finish." 

Letting out a heavy exhausted sigh she rubbed the back of her hand against her struggling eyelids before letting her eyes drift to the passing trees "I can't come back. Not now."

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