This Is What It Feels Like

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Peace was a hard thing to find in this world.

It was almost rare.

For Buffy Summers, who had been ripped out of it only to wake up in a coffin, she had never imagined peace would once again be a part of her life. When parents spoke about that sensation of holding their child for the first time, she had never truly believed it.

Her mother had suffered from postpartum depression, something Joyce had explained when Buffy was 13, who had been unable to find any photos of Joyce holding her the day she was born for a school project. The only photo from that day was of Hank holding her. Her mother had completely shut down, unable to hold her, choosing to focus on her school work leaving Buffy with her mother for the first few weeks.

Joyce Summers hadn't felt that moment of peace holding her until Buffy was two months old.

The first thing Buffy felt when she held her daughter for the first time was pain and terror. She had been bleeding out, dying with a newborn baby on her chest who was going to be sacrificed.

She hadn't truly found that moment of peace until after she had taken back control of her mind, beaten away the whispers of the demon that lived within her soul.

The first time she felt true peace with Joy was when Damon had called her to tell her that Elena was awake, yet all she had been able to focus on was the innocent baby in her arms.

The child that had overtaken Jeremy and Elena... her first priority.

Peace was once again consuming Buffy as she watched Joy who was leaning against her chest as the two of them perched in the garden having a moment alone together. Rebekah and Klaus had left hours ago back to New Orleans and Elijah had known that Buffy needed some time to get reinquated with her child so had gone to the store to pick up groceries.

Buffy was praying he didn't have another red door moment while left to his own devices.

The world's most adorable yawn caused Buffy to grin down at her daughter who was rubbing her tired eyes.

She was too cute and innocent for this world.

Scooping her daughter up, Buffy stroked Joy's cheek softly humming as warmth spread through her chest "I think the little yawns are a sign kiddo. Time for bed."

Before Buffy could move to start heading back to the house, the echo of her phone ringing caught her ears.

Billy Joel's Vienna

Given that she had taken it off silent, Buffy panicked as she heard Joy let out a whine of protest. Not happy with the loud noise interrupting her just as she started to drift off.

Not processing the familiar song coming from her phone, Buffy quickly answered without checking the ID.

"Hello?" She whispered as she adjusted Joy against her chest only for her entire body to tense up as the familiar voice spoke up.

His voice cracked as guilt seemingly consumed him.

"I'm sorry."

It almost sounded like a broken sob escaping him.

"Stefan? Are you okay?"

He didn't seem to process the question, merely continuing to ramble on like she hadn't spoken, his mind too twisted to process anything other than the consuming emotions which had led to this guilt-ridden phone call "I knew you were struggling when you came back, but I didn't click that it wasn't just the coffin. It was the memories."

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