Heart Of A Lion

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"Wait, evil Professor Dr Wes turned Caroline's maybe fling into a vampire?"

It was clear from the tone of her boyfriend's voice, that this was certainly not a piece of news Xander expected to hear when he answered his phone. While he hadn't met Caroline's crush before Tyler's return—

If that was even still a thing, given the yelling they had heard through the thin walls of their apartment the other night-

He couldn't help but feel for the guy. 

Elena felt for him too.

Jessie had known Wes, one second he had been a mentor, then the next second in the blink of an eye, he woke up strapped down to a table about to be tortured by a face he had looked up to for years. 

"Yep." She answered as she grabbed a blood bag out of Caroline's fridge "Jessie locked Wes in his lab, so I'm gonna call Damon to help look might be better for you to stay at the Salvatore's tonight. He's new, so until Caroline can help—"

"Keep delicious Xander blood away? Got it. Just be careful. Go all out banshee if you have to."

Elena smiled sweetly at his concern as she shut the fridge, balancing the two blood bags in her hands before heading out of the kitchen "I will. I love you."

"Love you too."

With that, the brunette hung up before walking over to Caroline and Jessie handing Jessie one of the blood bags "Here this should help. How are you doing?"

Jessie frowned as he took the bag before glancing at Elena curiously "Are you a vampire too?"

"No." She laughed as she took a seat opposite them on the purple loveseat opposite the white coach "A banshee." When his eyes widened in shock she just smiled awkwardly, she felt for him so much right now. He had just turned and now was finding out all of this crazy stuff in one sitting.

It was a lot.

It had been for her.

"It's a long story."

Jessie chuckled in amusement before taking a sip from the blood bag, as he did Elena turned to Caroline "And Aaron?" She asked curiously knowing that Jessie had accidentally attacked him before Caroline had stopped him and brought him here.

Caroline just offered her a reassuring smile "I showed Jessie how to heal him. And compel him. He's fine."

Jessie chuckled slightly awkwardly, still a little uncomfortable at the memory of the memory of Caroline teaching him how to use compulsion.

Being a vampire was so weird!

"It was insane."

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