Another World, Another Home

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The Summers household seemed to constantly be wide awake no matter the time. There was always someone moving around in that house, always loud music erupting from the youngest daughter's room, the eldest coming in and out despite living across the street crying after a fight with her husband and the temperamental mother who yelled at her constantly stoned out husband.

Seth Summers reeked of marijuana and dressed like the stereotypical hippies which were a staple of the 1970s.

It was almost entertaining to watch as the members of the founding families seemed to avoid this house like the plague, despite the eldest Summers daughter being married to a Gilbert.

While most loved Elizabeth and Jenna Summers as well as Miranda Summers-Gilbert, the hard fact was it was Seth Summers and the middle child normally avoided. Seth for his constant need to be high as a kite, spending at least one night a week in a jail cell and the troublemaker middle daughter. The daughter who had just one year ago broken the Mayor's son's leg with a baseball bat who was six years her senior and had been caught shoplifting in Malibu during Spring Break.

Joyce Olivia Summers.

The newly 20-year-old had come home from CalArts for the Spring break only to reveal something so shocking that it had caused Seth Summers to actually drop his joint and start yelling at the top of his lungs, demanding a name.

Demanding to know the name of the boy who had gotten his talented little girl pregnant.

As the yells echoed from the house, a figure sat on the small bench across the street, watching through the window as Seth continued to yell at the top of his lungs through the window, desperately searching for a shotgun that he hadn't actually owned for 10 years while Elizabeth and Miranda tried to keep him calm. A barely nine-year-old Jenna Summers sitting on Joyce's lap, her wide eyes glued to her older sister's stomach in utter fascination.

A normal family.

They were just so normal, but Marianna knew that the child growing inside of Joyce Summers would be far from normal.

With her face mirroring that of a girl whose name she still did not know, a girl who had yet to even be born, Marianna leaned forward in her seat, her elbows digging into her knees her eyes clued to the family she had been watching for the past few days. A family who had no way of knowing just how important the next member of their small family would be.

A sharp gust of wind sent shivers rushing down her spine.

Glaring down at the sharp perfectly shined shoes now rested beside her own, a grumble escaped her lips as she moved to lean back on the bench, familiar cufflinks from an impeccably dressed man sparking dread in her gut.

She hadn't seen him since 1914.

"Elijah." She whispered, purposely keeping her eyes glued to Joyce Summers through the window, watching as she whispered soothingly at her younger sister who had never seen their father so serious nor their mother more furious.

Elijah just hummed as he adjusted his sleeves before leaning against the bench, still unable to grasp why his sister was here of all places "You only visit the Bennetts when a new one has entered this earth."

Marianna had promised Ayanna she would watch over her bloodline, so she typically appeared in what was now known as Mystic Falls whenever another member of the bloodline was pregnant. Spent months hiding in the shadows ensuring the child was safely brought into this world.

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