Final Moments Before The End

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The artist whom Rudy had shown her work to, was determined to fix her sloppy painting technique. While he had liked her sketch work, especially the dark pieces which had been influenced by her creepy Slayer dreams, when it came to her water paintings he had been abysmal.

In her defence, she had only been painting again for just about a year, after a 7-year hiatus following being called as The Slayer. Of course, her paintings were a mess, she was still trying to find herself within paint again.

She had spent so long convincing everyone that she wasn't an artist and had never had the patience for paint that finally admitting it to herself and actually trying it again was extremely difficult for her.

It had taken a near breakdown just for her to open the paint set Sandra had given her. Which literally followed her admission out loud for the first time that she used to love to paint with watercolours for the first time.

To Klaus of all people!

Today officially marked her 12th day with Alessandro under his watchful eye and he was like a man possessed.

Determined to teach her the four significantly different modes of techniques from the Italian Renaissance area of painting. Cangiante, Chiaroscuro, Sfumato and Unione. He had explained that the great masters had applied them superbly to create brilliant and spectacular art treasures.

Alessandro seemed to believe that once she knew these four techniques, she would be able to expand on her ability. Using all four techniques to create a modern twist in a way that didn't have him critiquing her for being a lazy artist.

Currently, Buffy was brushing blue acrylic paint across the canvas Alessandro had placed in front of her, demanding that she paint the first thing that filtered through her thoughts. He had originally put oil paints in front of her only for her to glare at him.

She might be more open to painting but oil paints just took so long to dry.

Her patience could only go so far.

Plus, oil paints were more of a Klaus thing. She had never drifted toward them herself when she had been shopping for supplies. Oil was too unpredictable, she liked stability, something she could understand more when it came to the process.

Given there was still so much she didn't understand about her own existence, including the fact that despite being created to be Klaus's equal she didn't seem to have an extra ability that matched his wolf side, or more specifically his bite. It would make sense given that they were created to be the balance of good and evil for her to have something equally powerful. While they were two separate sides of the scales, both of them occasionally drifting to the other side, it didn't make sense that currently as far as she was aware his bite could take her down. While it couldn't kill her it weakened her enough to make her useless during battle. 

While luckily vervain didn't hurt her and neither did wolvesbane unlike him, that couldn't possibly be the big thing, right?

It felt like there was something she was missing about her demon side.

While Joy may be what The Fallen Slayer prophecy had overall been leading to, a creature that could be a true balance between all supernatural factions, shouldn't she and Klaus have the ability to kill each other?

That was the point of balancing the scales.

Her re-creation as the Demonic Hybrid to ensure the Original Hybrid had someone who could match him and stop him if he went off the deep end.

Alessandro adjusting her grip on the brush, momentarily shook Buffy's brain away from the confusion surrounding her existence.

"You are letting your stress influence your brush strokes." He reprimanded in a thick accent that had Buffy struggling to understand him half of the time. While she was growing fluent in Mandarin in order to be closer to the Ling-Mays, Italian wasn't exactly a language she had ever studied. It hadn't even been one of her options during High School.

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