Here We Go Again

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"March 12, 1922. I blacked out for days. I wake up in a stranger's blood in places I don't recognize with women I don't remember."

The more he read of this journal that apparently belonged to him, the more confused Stefan found himself. To be honest, his old self sounded like a sociopath with selective memory.

"I feel alive again."

That last sentence was enough for Stefan to officially find himself fed up with the journal.

Letting out a scoff, he rolled his eyes and tossed the journal into the backseat of Damon's car, letting his eyes focus back on the person who claimed to be his older brother as they sped down the highway.

"All right. I think I've read enough."

In the past 24 hours, he had been given a fast run-down of his life. A life he could no longer remember. Everything before waking up on that couch 24 hours ago was nothing but black.

His first memory was of the pretty blonde holding a ring toward him with sad green eyes. Eyes that reminded him so much of the forest. Though her forest eyes hadn't just been filled with sadness, but rather understanding, like she knew how tough his current memory-less position was.

He still didn't know her name though.

Despite the fact that for some reason he couldn't stop thinking about the different shades of green in her eyes, he didn't know anything about her. She had simply handed him his daylight ring and tapped his shoulder before her phone started going crazy. All she had said was that she had a meeting she couldn't miss with Giles before telling him to get some rest as the next few days would be hard.

He hadn't seen her since.

Not once did she show up around the Boarding House and when he asked Damon had simply stated that his friend Bubbles was stuck at a construction sight with the eyepatch kid.

Bubbles couldn't be her name, right?

Damon sighed in disappointment as he glanced over at his brother. He had hoped that reading the journals might have triggered some snippet of memory but not even a flicker of recognition had appeared.

Honestly, Damon was so sick of the deja vu.

First, the title of doppelgängers coming back and now someone he loved was missing memories.

He hated doing this whole memory thing again, they had spent a year with Buffy not remembering them and that was when they knew how to cure it, but this couldn't be cured by some mystical potion from the Dark Dimensions.

Plus, Bonnie the witch still wasn't answering her damn phone so she wasn't any help there.

Thankfully though, according to Buffy, Willow and Tara were due to be back from Egypt today so would be doing the locator spell the second they were settled back into their apartment in Cleveland.

One problem would at least get solved today.


Stefan chuckled in amusement "I know nada means nothing. I know what day it is, I know what year it is, I know this car has a V-8 engine, and yet I am two journals deep and I have absolutely no memory of who the hell I am." He huffed, frustration spreading through his veins as he pulled out a blood bag that Damon had given him "I thought you said you'd dealt with this before?"

The reminder that technically speaking this wasn't his first rodeo with a no-memory person had Damon grumbling in annoyance.

When Buffy had no memory of him or Stefan, it hadn't been pretty.

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