Could I Have Saved You?

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That familiar warmth which had once filled her soul, bringing her to this heavenily feeling of belonging was slightly tainted as she climbed out of Klaus's car, her feet connecting with New Orleans for the first time in over a month.

Bright colours were slightly dimmer and the jazz flowing through her ears off off-tune.

The city she had completely fallen in love with during the tour Klaus had given her now a little tainted.

The reason for her return to the city she had once planned on moving to back when she was still pregnant was not a positive one. While this visit wasn't as bad as when she had been dragged to the city against her will, entrapped in a crypt for days as witches continued to do weird experiments on her, it was nowhere near as magical as her last visit.

In her mind when she came to visit Klaus that was her first real visit to the city.

Hours of truly being able to experience the beauty of the city, breathing it in as a spark of love formed inside of her. Moving through the streets, feeling the magic in the air brushing against her skin had been like a constant jolt of happiness. Buffy had lived in many places over the years, but she had never felt so settled after just one afternoon. Settled within herself. A supernatural hub where the locals didn't comment on a blonde girl moving at super speed because she had spent a small fortune in the market, buying at least two items from every stall.

She had loved experiencing New Orleans.

Yet, now here she was and her heart was far from soaring because her reasons for finally returning had to do with her daughter being in danger. One of her friends who would be waking up in a new body soon and an ex-vampire with a strong determination to make his siblings suffer using an extremely powerful witch body to enact his revenge.

It was a lot.

"How did you guys lose him?"

Klaus just clenched his jaw at the reminder as he moved around the car, automatically placing a hand on her back like it was second nature as he guided her toward the Abattoir.

Davina had been casting the spell to ensure that Cami was not possessed while Kol was with Esther and Rebekah, ensuring that the latter's soul and mind were moved elsewhere safely. Just turning their backs for a few minutes had been too long though. Finn had taken advantage of the short burst of time, managing to use the power of the body he was inhabiting to escape right under their noses.

"Remind me the next time I coffin one of my siblings to ensure that they are buried in concrete."

Buffy rolled her eyes at the statement "And this is why Mari gave me the daggers."

Marianna had originally stolen all but two of them following Kol's death.

Given that one had still been in the Boarding House thanks to Rebekah having given it to Stefan before Elena and Jeremy killed Kol, Buffy had swiped that before she left for Italy all those months ago, which had left Klaus with only the one.

Honestly, when Mari had pulled them out and given them to her Buffy had completely frozen up.

While Marianna stated that if she kept them she would be too tempted to try and make them useable on Klaus, she had also declared that she in no way trusted Klaus having them back. Too many times over the centuries at least one of them ended up trapped in darkness. The second they let themselves relax or put faith in him not to once again lock them away...he betrayed them.

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