Kiss With A Fist

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Given that she had left Mystic Falls on the 15th of May, with tomorrow being the first of September, that officially made it almost five months.

Five months of freedom from the little town which was nothing but a black wormhole of pain and grief for Buffy Summers.

The almost five-month anniversary of leaving that town seemed like the appropriate occasion to finally do the one thing that was meant to help her crowded demonic head. The thing she had been told to do by Willow and Tara over 18 months ago when they had come to perform the ritual that would finally complete her transformation into The Demonic Hybrid.

18 months of postponing and Buffy had finally found the time to put her mind first.

Zheravena was a beautiful visage in central eastern Bulgaria, a part of the Motel municipality, Silven Provience. Just a few hours away from the village itself was an entire plot of sacred land blessed by witches in 1147, hence why Tara had suggested using it for the ritual that was supposed to help balance her mind.

Once this ritual was done, it would allow Buffy not only peace of mind but it would also make it easier to find balance in herself so that the desire to dive head first into the demonic parts of herself wasn't so tempting. It would allow her the chance to keep her mind centred without those taunting dark thoughts.

Plus, hopefully, it would lessen the damage to her memory which had been caused by constant magical manipulation. The majority of the damage being left behind from taking the cure back in Sunnydale to get her real memories back.

An act that had left Buffy trapped with two different realities tearing at every single thought she had.

The ritual if she was lucky would make everything a little easier to separate, basically turning the fake memories into a greyscale setting in the back of her mind.

Coming to a stop in the middle of a field of lilac flowers, Buffy slowly started to pour the herb mixture of acorn and alder into a circle in the centre of the field before placing four white candles in the four cardinal points.

North, south, east and west.

Magic breezed through the air causing small blue flames to appear on each candle as they were placed in their spots.

However, the magic wasn't attacking her this time, there were no angry ancestors angry at her for not wiping out the Originals, it was just pure healing magic dancing along with the wind.

It was nice to be surrounded by magic powered by nothing but nature given all of the magic that had tried to kill her since her resurrection.

Leaving her bag and the scythe just outside of the herb circle, Buffy slowly slipped off her sandals, finally letting herself step into the centre.

As her toes sunk into the grass and her long white maxi skirt brushed against the flowers, Buffy couldn't help but smile as the wind whistled in her ears. Other than holding her baby girl, this was the first time she had felt such peace since she had been torn from her own.

The feeling of warmth washing over her was a strong reminder that despite the way so many ancestors wanted her dead just because she was the person tied to the Mikaelsons, not all magic was tainted with biased thoughts. While she could assume most ancestors had every reason to want Klaus and the Originals dead, it didn't change the fact that they had sentenced her and her baby to die just because Buffy had unwillingly had her fate tied to Klaus.

Plus, it was kind of ironic how much the ancestors wanted Klaus dead given that it was one of their own who had broken the rules and created another breed of vampires, basing them off the demonic kind.

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