And So It Begins

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One of Damon Salvatore's favourite things in this world.

His grin just refused to falter as he eyed the human doctor who he had tied up to the leather chair straps keeping him trapped and unable to escape. The Doctor whom he had just injected with at least 20 of the different viruses. Some of which he knew were bacteria-eating diseases.

This doctor had a lot of creepy stuff in his fringe, including plague.

Leaning forward he smirked down at the human whose face was now practically white as snow "Turning a kid into a vampire so you can experiment on him?" He taunted before shaking his head in mock disappointment "Harsh. What is it about this place that turns people into mad scientists?" He asked as he moved away from the doctor and over to the table where all of Wes's little medical toys were set up.

He had never liked Elena more than when she had given him to go ahead to use whatever method he chose to get information out of Wes.

Wes merely rolled his eyes at the constant taunting, despite being trapped in utter agony, he would rather deal with a flesh-eating virus slowly killing him than listen to Damon go on and on "Human trials are a vital part of modern medicine."

Damon just shrugged as he continued to riffle through the files on the desk "Yeah, but don't people usually volunteer or sign waivers? Maybe gets some dough for tuition?"

"Sometimes you do what's necessary for the greater good."

A small snicker escaped Damon, though there was a slight twinge in his chest, there was something so familiar about how Wes spoke about his beliefs.

Long buried memories threatened to resurface, taunting thoughts of his healing being pushed to its limits over and over again, the starvation that had left his bones grinding against each other like dust.

Walls clamped down on his past three vials in the centre of the desk summoning his fall attention.

Three vials of blood were perched on a slightly raised platform, surrounded by thousands of pages of notes and a book he could only assume Wes might have ordered from The Magic Box in Cleveland.

Pages from various spell books were ripped out and pinned to the wall right behind the vials of blood. Spells about unbinding a curse, multiple spells about power stripping hexes and genetic alteration.

What the actual hell?

Stepping closer, he froze as he finally got a clear look at the name written across all three vials. Just the sight of it horrified him to his core, sending white-hot rage pounding through him as all the ways he was going to crush Wes rushed through his brain.

Just by having these vials...had made it personal.




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