For Blue Skies

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A very popular nightclub in the centre of Milan which typically hosted a lot of music concerts was the final stop on the Summers siblings' mini post-resurrection party and so far the night had turned out to be more fun than either Jeremy or Buffy had expected. Then again, neither of them could truly remember the last time they got to have some carefree human fun like normal kids their age.

At the end of the day, despite how dramatic their everyday lives were, they were only at the beginning in the scale of time.

Jeremy was only 20 and Buffy was 22.

Given everything they dealt with on a daily basis, it was easy for them to forget that they were young adults, supposed to be having a blast as they entered adulthood.

A night of celebration had been just what the doctor ordered for both of them.

As a band she had never heard of continued to keep the people jumping up and down around her, screaming at the top of their lungs in Italian, Buffy couldn't stop the way the atmosphere started to infect her bloodstream. In less than a second she was dancing with a group of random Australian girls here on a girl's trip, throwing her head back as joyous laughter escaped her chest.

The last time she had been clubbing had been during her demon escapades, but prior to that, she hadn't been to a real city club since she snuck into one in L.A. with her cheerleader friends back when she was 15.

The tiny club in Whitmore and The Bronze were nothing in comparison to this.

As bright pink and green neon lights continued to spin around her, Buffy couldn't help but laugh as she shifted her focus to her slightly drunk brother, who had completely surrendered to the thrall of the band. Bobbing his head up and down, a beer in his hands as he and some random guy sang badly along to the song.

Shaking her head in amusement, she quickly took two shots off the passing tray from a waitress, making sure to hand her some cash before moving over to her brother.

"I take it you're having fun?" She announced her presence, trying not to laugh as Jeremy quickly threw his arm over her shoulders raising the shot glass of tequila she had brought over into the air with a drunken cheer.

He was wasted but given he had died and then been resurrected, he totally deserved to have a little fun.

Honestly, Buffy had wished someone had just taken her out of Mystic Falls for some fun following her resurrection instead of confining her to the house. It would have stopped her from being alone in a room, locked with nothing but her own twisted thoughts trying to convince her that there was something wrong with her. That there was no hope or fun in the world. That she should have remained nothing more than a rotting corpse being consumed by worms 6 feet under.

"I love Italy!" Jeremy cheered, his words slurring slightly.

They had finally found his new limit when it came to how much alcohol it took to get him drunk without his healing factor sobering him up instantly.

"I'm never leaving!"

Buffy just laughed downing her shot in sync with him before the two started jumping up and down again. Letting the neon lights flood their vision and music consume their thoughts.

For a night, they let themselves be kids again.

For a night, they let themselves be kids again

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