Set Fire To It All

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After so long living on a Hellmouth used to mysterious deaths and strange unexplainable occurances, there was something about living in Virginia that almost felt like a completely different universe. While Xander hadn't always known about the supernatural, it didn't change just how messed up Sunnydale had been when he was growing up.

It had honestly taken months of living in Virginia to get comfortable, especially without Buffy and Willow here by his side.

At one point, the normalcy of his life had almost had him begging Elena for them to move to Cleveland so he could be around a familiar environment. However, slowly but surely he started to settle into normal human life and just as soon as he started to accept that he was just a normal guy again...the supernatural drama started again.

As much as he would deny it...he had missed it.

He missed the Scooby meetings, and the Korean movie nights with his two best friends after patrol.

He missed all of it.

He would never tell Elena that though.

The only times he didn't miss Sunnydale was when his mother would call and he would once again find himself thrilled to be on the other side of the country away from his crazy family who had settled in a small town in California following Sunnydale turning into a crater.

Pulling his car over into the Boarding House driveway, he rubbed his neck and tried to blink away the exhaustion threatening to consume him. As tired as he was from working at the Gallery all day, he wanted to be here to help the others. While the Mystic Falls gang were nowhere near his treasured original Scooby was better than nothing.

Grabbing the first aid box Elena had asked him to bring along, Xander let out a loud yawn, quickly downing the last few chugs of his coffee before finally climbing out of the car.

Honestly, he wasn't shocked that the old first aid box that Stefan used to keep for Buffy in his room was out of supplies. Not only was Buffy now immortal but given the stories he had heard about all of the fights Buffy had gotten into during her Junior year of High School here, there was no doubt supplies had been running low.

Plus, once she died, Stefan would have had no more reason to resupply.

However, what he couldn't figure out was why Elena had asked him to bring it along.

Was someone hurt?

Damon could heal so he would be fine, Jeremy was on patrol just outside of town so wouldn't even be in town which only left Elena.

Was his girlfriend hurt?

Why was her text so vague?

Shaking off his thoughts before he could completely spin out into an insanity spiral, Xander pushed through finally entering the overly large home which he pretty much always got lost in. At one point, he had ended up in the attic and was stuck there unable to figure out how to get out until Damon reluctantly unlatched the secret panel releasing him.

God, he hated Damon.

At least with Spike he hadn't had to worry about saying the wrong thing and getting his head twisted off.

He called as he weaved through the halls of the Boarding house, quickly heading toward the library where he could spot the embers of the lit fireplace illuminating the hallway with a soft orange glow.

The first aid hit the floor with a thud.

Xander stood there completely motionless, his mouth gaping open, unable to move a single muscle as he stared at the sight in front of him.

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