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As Mercury ran away, he'd notice that he was far away from the Sun. He'd thought about how the Sun would scold him for getting out of his orbit without the Sun's permission.

He'd continue to look around where he was, there were rocks all over the place, he stayed calmed until he felt a presence he didnt like 💀🫰

“Hey PIPSQUEAK what are you doing here 😈”

Mercury would fucking panic and turned around to see him face to face, he was about to scream and run away until he saw the rock that Venus was holding. HE PANICKED EVEN MORE.

(time skip for my baes!)


“a-ah! Venus! It's too deep!”
Mercury begs as he feels Venus's tentacle deep inside of him. He actually didn't expect this to happen.

“Shut it pipqueak and take it all.”

“w-waait! venus! Your gonna s-snap me in haaalf! Ah!” mercury screams as he felt him starting to move.


I can't do this I'm eating noodles rn...

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