moon x Titan smut

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“A-ahh!~ Titan..! I-its— bigguuhmm...~” Earth's moon moaned loudy, holding agaisnt an astroid for support while Titan rammed inside of him deep and deeper each time.

Titan was breathing harshly, he grabbed moon's waist so tight with one hand and the other was forcefully spreading moons legs apart, Titan smirked at the frontal view of Earth's moon.

Moon was moaning and drooling, he was gonna absolutely destroy the astroid he was holding in half, he boinged boinged faster when Titan took up his pace.

“Ahck—!” moon choked for a second, but then continued moaning, I think even Mars heard them...

“Ooh.. goDdd...~ T-Titan!.. were gonna get in t-trOubleeumm..~” Moon struggled a bit to say since his moans were taking over. Although he was trying to tell Titan that Mars might see them and snitch on them by telling Earth.

“mm. My dear, were fine.. either ways we're almost done..”  Titan said, still fucking moon at a fast pace. Which was kinda destroying him—

Moon soon covered his face since he was so close to his climax, Titan noticed and reached out his hand & removed the hands that were covering his beloveds messy face.

“F-fuck Fuck fuucck...!~” the moon moaned before releasing all over his chest, although Titan continue to ram his insides.

This overstimulated the moon, since the bulge that kept appearing in his stomach when Titan thrusted in, was bulging even more that it was literally gonna pop out..

After another minutes of Moon and Titan doing their thing, Titan was finally at his climax.

His thrusting got a little sloppier each time, he thrusted deep inside one last time and released inside of moon. And moon?, well he cummed again on his chest.

They both breathe heavily while looking at each other, then Titan gave a small kiss to moon before the moon rested.. he rested even if Titan was still inside of him.

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