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according to the person... the son is an adult...

After Astroson graduated from high school, he applied for college. Him and his dad got closer to each other ever since and Astrodude would teach his own son about space.

After years and years they are bonded like a normal father and son... astrodude retired from being a astronaut after how many times he almost got killed LOL

though, his son applied at the same company that his father went to be a astronaut, he did everything the same thing like his father did and managed to get accepted as a astronaut!


At the day of when Astroson was about to Fly off, he hugged his dad one last time and placed a small kiss (help) on his dad's cheek before saying goodbye and going to space.

Astrodude cried cuz his son is just a mini version of him, he watched his son lift off to space. Wondering if he's gonna see planets talk and move just like him.

Saying his final word, “I'm proud of you son.”

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