Uranus x Saturn

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Request by a familiar roach...


Uranus was writing in his diary, he wrote how he was gonna use his moons to make more rings out of him. Since he really wanted to become like his beloved mate, Saturn >/3

A sudden voice from behind him appears,

“Hey Uranus! What are you doing at this time?” asked the sudden voice, which was Saturn ofc.

This gave a small heart attack to Uranus cuz he didnt wanna get caught by Saturn, since he wrote in his diary that he really adored Saturn n' that he rlly wanted to confess his feelings because of how lovely and sensitive Saturn is.

Though he's just a little nervous because Saturn could reject his confession and that'll make Uranus super duper sad !!!!

After a few seconds, Uranus snaps out of his mind and responds back to Saturn,
“Oh. I'm just writing— like I always do haha-”
This made Uranus embarrassed, which made him blush a little at Saturn.

“Well, I can't really hang out with Jupiter right now but.. we can hang out together if you want!” Saturn asked in a enthusiastic way

Uranus blushed even more at the offer since he really only hangs out with Neptune, even if Neptune Is a little weird around Pluto.. (pov: the Neptune x Pluto story...)

Uranus nodded as a acceptance then out of nowhere he gets pulled into a hug by Saturn, n' Saturn is crying out of nowhere...

“Omg! Your making mee cryy! Your so nice!!” said Saturn while sobbing and hugging Uranus.

Honestly Uranus was just a redhead, his ability to be a ice giant is about to vanish from blushing too hard. Uranus hugged Saturn back and they eventually cuddled together for some reason.

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