Moon x Titan

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As the Moon orbits around Earth, he gets really bored of just rotating around Earth and watching him get in trouble with other planets & the Sun. He looks around and sees a strange colored ball, he cannot tell if it's a moon or a planet. Wait— Planet? Nah. More like considered moon.

Moon gets really curious about who this  'thing' is that's in the asteroid belt. So while Earth is distracted talking to Mars, he gets near the astroid belt. He slightly moves the astroids that are disturbing his way, trying to get near the unknown.

Once he reaches near him, he gasps at the sight. The unknown had lovely vibrant colors that the moon has never seen in his life. He is actually very interested in them.

“Uh- Hey? What—” the Moon tries to start a communication, but the unknown gets scared and throws a rock at the moon.

“Ow! What was that for!?”

“Oops- Sorry.. you scared me there” said the unknown

Honestly the moon already forgave him anyways, the unknown vibrant colors is what gets him distracted, he actually feels like staring at him for a longgg timeeee...

He snapped out of his mind and immediately introduced himself.
“Hey uh. I'm the earth's moon— what about you?”

“Titan, Saturn's moon.” Titan smiles at the Moon.

This actually made the moon daydream. Why was he so into this moon? He JUST saw him.

“Uhm, Nice Name! Though... wanna hang out with each other and know about each other more..?” The moon said nervously.

Titan nodded, this made the moon blush a bit. The actions of the moon were eventually caught by Titan, but he just said nothing since he thought that's what friends do.

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