Saturn x Jupiter

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(Human Version)

Saturn combed their long light blond hair, since this morning they managed to get super tangled and she didn't want to look messy.

She struggled a bit to brush her hair since she wasn't really able to stretch her arms to reach, especially if she has to be careful that she doesn't hit any moons, or else she'll cry and apologize for who knows how long!

Though few minutes later of struggling, Jupiter comes and helps out Saturn.

“Need Help Saturn?” Asked Jupiter in a Calm Tone.

“Please do,” Responded Saturn.

For Jupiter, being an companion for Saturn. Jupiter knows well that he'll have to help out Saturn multiple times.

He held the brush and grabbed a piece of Saturns hair and started brushing carefully, trying to not hurt the poor innocent Saturn.

Though Saturns hair was really long, and that's a thing that Jupiter liked about Saturn. He loves doing hairstyles on Saturn for fun or just to make her happy.

This scene was caught by Jupiter's & Saturn's moons, they watched as their parents both talked to each other & TBH Jupiter's moons thought Saturn was their mom.. and Saturn's moons thought Jupiter was their dad.

Jupiter hummed as he continued brushing Saturns hair, they both enjoyed their moment even if they didn't have privacy. (THE MOONS WATCHED.)

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