Iapetus and esnelwufhs

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Iapetus was standing in a crowd of Saturns moons, apparently  Saturn was holding a meeting and every single moon went to a side so it would be easier for Saturn so he wont have to turn around every time to look at every single moon.

Ia was impatient, he wanted to get out of this crowd. Although his fellow friend, Mimas came around. He was able to find Iapetus since he was small and was capable to fit through moons.

“Hey Iapetus!” Mimas spoke first.

“Whats up Mimas?”

“I heard that Saturn was holding a meeting to tell about how Jupiter is bad influence...” Mimas said, with a confused expression because why would an idiot just tell his moons about his relationship problems.

“Ehh.. If it actually happens, I hope someone drags me out of here.” Iapetus sighed.

“Me too, but we're out of luck. Saturn might see us running off and would punish us in front of the moons, which is REALLY embarrassing.” Mimas said, pulling out his iPad to watch skibidi toilet videos during the meeting.

A few minutes later...

Saturn came over, which meant the meeting started. Saturn sighed and immediately started talking shit about Jupiter. Iapetus thought about how to get away from this boring meeting. He didn't want to hear Saturn no more.

He stood there for a minute, until he felt something pull him from behind. He got pulled really hard that he tripped and some moons from behind him also tripped. Everything went silent except for the 'Skibidi bom bom bom yes yes' sound from Mimas iPad.

Everyone started bursting in laughter at Mimas, even Saturn laughed. But Iapetus? He fucking vanished. He was getting dragged away from Saturn, and it was a good escape since everyone is distracted from laughing at Mimas.

Iapetus then appeared behind a huge ass asteroid, he looked at the person who dragged him, he looked in shock that it was Enseladus himself.

“Hm.. What do you want Enseladus.”

“Hehe... Nothing! I just felt like I needed company yk?” Enseladus giggled, leaning next to Iapetus.

“Don't you got drugs to shove up your ass or what?” Iapetus looked away from Enseladus, pissed off that he gotta be with him now.

“...What. Who even told you I did drugs?” Enseladus looked confused.

“Well first of all, your acting like a Crackhead.” Iapetus TRIED to insult Enseladus.

“Well.. I'm a crackhead for you..~!” Enseladus winked and grinned at Iapetus.

Iapetus was twitching his eye violently, he was pissed off by the way Enseladus was acting towards him.

“I hate you.” Responded Iapetus.

“Iapetus I'm just joking around!!” Enseladus laughed

“Yeah, your 'joking' around and yet your literally making me pissed off.”

“Well.. you look so adorable when you're pissed off..~” Enseladus teased him, which kinda actually got Iapetus even more mad.

“Are you serious.. don't ever say that again that was disturbing.” Iapetus closed his eyes, praying that Enseladus would go away.

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