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angst :)

Also random Au again </3

Pertend that they have bodies, LIEK they still have their planet heads but they just have a body. //

Took Place in the Goldilocks Zone, 1970s for Earth.
As the Music Waltz, played along and Venus & Earth danced together lovingly, They both danced with the same rhythm. They stared deeply at each other, knowing that one day this could be their last dance together.

They dance with each other frequently together. Showing it as a love, caring, attention for each other, because what else could they do together?

As Venus dip Earth, Venus smiled softly at Earth. And raised him back up immediately, giving him a soft gentle kiss.

This was a comfort feeling, the love all over them but that was until...

(VENUS!) a sudden distance voice was heard, and it was getting louder and louder each time.

(VENUS PLEASE! WAKE UP!!) It screamed.

Venus woke up immediately, gasping and sweating. Looking at Mercury, who was weirdly worried for some reason.

“...VENUS! Thank goodness your awake.. you were sweating and—” Mercury was paused by a shushing sound made by Venus.

Venus sighed in distress, unknowing what to do nowadays. Mercury looked down, Venus looked at him with even more distress. He was already having a dream about HIM. What else could happen now?

Mercury breathed in before saying,
“Earth is gonna lose himself in a few months. All the vomiting is just— keeps coming out of him, and he even looks like he got bruised up by someone! He's always in pain, and we have no idea how to help with that..”

Mercury looked at Venus as if he wanted to sob, but he held it back. Unwanting to look stupid Infront of Venus, who'm was just staring with no emotions.

Venus nodded, and looked away. Mercury took note of that and walked off and left. Going back to his own orbit, where the Sun would try to cheer up Mercury with his horrible jokes.

Venus stood up, wiping the slight tears that were formed. He didn't know what he could do without Earth, he was literally his EVERYTHING. And Venus would do anything just to keep him alive.
But he knew he didn't have any more time left, so he made a bucketlist to hang out with Earth everyday until he reaches to his end.

Venus put his bucketlist away, and walked to the Goldilocks Zone, where he met Earth. He was laying there in pain, Venus ran up to him and grabbed him.

“My goodness.. Earth how long were you like this?!..” Venus Held Earth close to him. Caressing his cheek and holding his hand & kissing his forehead as comfort.

“For a few minutes or so... But— I'm alright..” Earth slightly struggled to pronounce some words due to how painful his core was.

Venus stood up and Carried Earth in a bride style, Taking him to a nearby place where it's comfortable or suitable for Earth to be at.

He placed him down carefully against the rocky astroids, where it's slightly formed as a “bed” for Earth to lay and rest on. Venus held his hand carefully, trying to not hurt him by a slight mistake.

“Venus.. I'm glad your always with me. God, I could say I love you forever but I want to show it in a different way..” Earth said, lifting his back up from the astroid BED.
Earth immediately got ontop of Venus putting his whole body weight on Venus, this action made Venus immediately blush that you could even see the redness appearing on his cheeks.

Earth smirked, and kissed him softly & passionately. Which turned into a loving moment for Earth & Venus!

this marks off a check in the bucketlist..

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