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Uranus walked besides Neptune, both of them were heading out with Jupiter and Saturn at bar place. Which was slightly strange for Uranus cause he's not the type of planet that drinks beer or alcohol. When they entered the bar, Saturn waved up to get their attention so they could sit down Infront of them in a table. Uranus and Neptune sat Infront of Jupiter and Saturn, which both of them were already drinking.

Uranus and Neptune got themselves drinks, Uranus asked for a bottle of water meanwhile Neptune got alcohol since Jupiter and Saturn encouraged him to drink some.

“Hey Saturn.. where'd you leave your moons at? Since they don't prohibit 'Children' being here.” asked Uranus, taking a sip of water after.

“Oh them? I left them with Mars! Even the moons of Jupiter stayed along with Mars also.” said Saturn, taking a sip of their alcohol.

Uranus nodded, he sat there just listening to the conversation that Jupiter & Saturn, & Neptune had. He took out a book and readed it, meanwhile sipping his good ol' water ✨

He didn't even realize what was going on besides him, Neptune was hopping around drunkenly and jumping ontop of the tables. Meanwhile Saturn and Jupiter were making Neptune trip purposely by pouring alcohol on the table so Neptune could slip, and make them have a huge laughter.

Uranus felt sleepy, he checked the time and it was FUCKING 12 AM. Uranus felt like it was bad to continue staying here, but he didn't want to make his friends feel bad. So he just rested his head on the table and sleep for a moment meanwhile those three had their fun.

Jupiter and Saturn went off to dance together, and it was just Neptune and Uranus. Neptune was really drunk and he was on the floor giggling, he stood up and sat right next to Uranus. He then layed his head on the table facing at Uranus, watching him sleep peacefully.

Neptune started poking Uranus to wake him up, but that wasn't working since Uranus was a heavy sleeper. Neptune scooted closer, their faces were like. Very very close to each other.

Neptune felt silly, so he kissed Uranus and held his hand out to grab his shoulder tightly. Since Uranus was sleeping with his mouth slightly open, Neptune was easily able to slip his tongue in and make out.

This woke Uranus up, he wasn't progressing at first since he had no idea that he was kissing (or making out) with Neptune. Until he noticed what was happening, and literally panicked so bad that he pushed Neptune away.

“N-NEPTUNE??! WHAT ARE YOU DOING..?” said Uranus, still panicking.

Neptune giggled slightly, giving no answers. He just immediately got ontop of Uranus, cornering him against the wall and the seat. Although, Neptune knew Uranus would feel uncomfortable that they would do it publically. So he lifted up Uranus and took him inside of the car.

Uranus was really confused, he had no idea what was going on. He was placed besides the driver seat, which meant that Neptune would be driving even if he was drunk. WHICH WAS A REALLY BAD IDEA.  Neptune got inside of the car and placed his keys and started the car.

Uranus was so worried about what would happen next that he didn't even notice that Neptune was touching him meanwhile he was driving. Uranus bit his lip, he never felt this before and Neptune was literally making him feel crazy from his touching.

Neptune was touching between U's legs. He was massaging it, trying to keep Uranus active so they could continue it back at home. Although he knew that Uranus was enjoying it. Uranus didn't want to whimper at the feeling, he blushed and covered his mouth. He also hid his face from being shown, since there was two cars besides them that were driving.

Somehow, Neptune was able to drive all the way back home safely without any problems. When they arrived back home, Neptune got out of the car then went to the other side to get Uranus out. Neptune carried Uranus, meanwhile Uranus clinged onto him.

when they went inside of the house, things were getting frisky. 🤨

(I'm not gonna leave y'all hanging.)

At this point Neptune didn't wanna spend any longer, so he immediately took Uranus to the kitchen and settled him on top of the counter, and IMMEDIATELY started kissing him. Spreading U's legs apart even if Uranus had their pants still on.

“N-Neptune! Wait!—” Uranus paused him for a moment.

“Don't you wanna use condom just incase or...” U looked at him worryngly.

“Noh, nothing's gouna hapen.” Neptune said, immediately continuing what he was doing to Uranus.

Neptune grabbed U's waist with one hand, meanwhile the other was  exploring every part of his body. This was Neptune's first time, but he was gonna make it enjoyable for him and his neighbor.

Uranus breathed heavily, god knows he didn't expected this to happen. He blushed, and kinda drooled from the corner of his mouth from the ammount of kisses (or make outs) Neptune kept doing.

Back at Saturn and Jupiter.

“Hey Jupiter.. where'd did Uranus and Neptune go? I swore I just saw them 40 minutes ago.” asked Saturn

“I have no idea where they went but must've gone back home to sleep.” responded Jupiter

They both continued dancing even if it was one in the morning.....

(kinda skipped time)

Uranus laid on the countertop, he was fuckign blushing so hard that he was gonna faint. He saw Neptunes hard dick that was laying between his legs. Uranus prayed that he'll survive this night.

Neptune looked at Uranus and smiled weirdly, he grabbed his waist and positioned it and shoved it in slowly and carefully. This fliched Uranus, and he covered his mouth immediately. Covering his little sounds that are wanting to come out.

He waited til U was fully comfortable and settled, and once he was settled. Neptune started moving at a slow pace. Moving Uranus up and down slowly. Neptune didn't mind that Uranus was covering his mouth, Neptune led his free hand move across U's body. Literally touching every single part of it.

(Ok I'm done)

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