Jupiter x Saturn - Forgiveness

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Jupiter sat in his chair, reading his favorite book like always. He felt this strange gut feeling... The thought of Saturn getting mad at him was just not what he liked to see. He always loves it when Saturn hugs him and never let him go.

He sat there for a moment before groaning and standing up. He was going to apologize to Saturn for rejecting his request for children... but first— he gotta drop his moons off with Uranus.

(After he dropped them off)

Jupiter walked over to Saturn's orbit zone. He was nervous at first cause he couldn't find Saturn anywhere, but no offense.. Saturn is really big, and he wasn't able to find him or sight him from afar?

Soon, Jupiter found Saturn. He was with Titan, combing his hair.. Saturn felt a presence behind him and turned around happily, thinking it was Uranus or Neptune.

Saturn then noticed it was Jupiter, and his smile faded and turned into an annoyed one.

"What." Saturn responded first.

"Look— I'm sorry for rejecting what you wanted.. I didn't know you actually did want one– look. I'll make it up to you!"

Jupiter looked at Saturn nervously, Saturn had a blank expression, but he was screaming happily in the inside. He smiled at Jupiter and just nodded, not saying anything. This relieved Jupiter and left a note saying the time where they should meet.


"Saturn, calm down.. I need to prep you.." Jupiter says, entering 3 fingers inside of Saturn.

"B-but! Ah!~ I need youuu..~ I want you to make me scream...~" Saturn desperately begs Jupiter. But Jupiter didn't want to harm Saturn. Especially if he has a large shlog—

Soon, Jupiter finishes prep Saturn. He positions himself against Saturn's entrance. He looks at Saturn, and Saturn nods at him.

He slowly enters inside of Saturn..

"Mmmmgghhh.." Saturn held a long moan when Jupiter entered inside of him

Jupiter then starts thrusting slowly.. Saturn, on the other hand, moaned.

"J-jupiterrr... you're going t-to sloww..~"

"Don't get mad at me if your legs hurt afterward.." Jupiter says, immediately thrusting faster

"AH!~ JUPITER!~♡" Saturn yelps and moans loudly


And obviously, Jupiter went even deeper inside of Saturn.

Saturn was holding a pillow. He covered his face as Jupiter slammed inside of him.
You could hear muffled loud moans that Saturn made.


Jupiter was at his climax. Saturn sobbed and moaned loudly. They tried many positions on the bed.


"M-me too.." Jupiter groaned.

Jupiter thrusted deep inside for the last time and released inside.

"A-aahmm..~ it feels weeiirrrd..~"

They both just stood there in the same position, Saturn was covered in hickies and bites. There's even hand marks on Saturn's ass..

😟I guess Saturn got the child he wanted...

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