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After months, and many months of Uranus having their uh— moment with Neptune. One day Uranus felt like he was gonna vomit! So he ran and threw up on a trash can.

Neptune saw and came over to comfort Uranus since, Neptune is fucking dumb and has no idea what to do..

After a few days, Uranus kept on throwing up and having mood swings, Neptune finally used one of his brain cells and asked Jupiter some questions.

“Hey Jupiter! UHM- What if a planet was vomiting constantly and having mood swings?”  Neptune asked

“Hello Neptune! Also woah, what kind of question is that? Is something going on?” said Jupiter

“No-no I'm just curious..” Neptune lied..

“Well, vomiting constantly and having mood swings could define that you have a organism (or planet) inside of you, which in human terms it means “pregnant” which could leave to a bunch of side effects! For planets they would have a bunch of dizziness and they would need the comfort of their lover in which—”

“okay neighbor that's enough....” Neptune cutted Jupiter off.

Neptune thanked Jupiter still and went off to check his beloved mate. And once he arrived, he saw Uranus sleeping peacefully.. He went to Uranus and slept with him while cuddling with him, following what Jupiter just said to him.
A few months passed for Uranus and Neptune, Uranus soon could feel baby bumps  of his beloved twins (WHAT)

Neptune stood along Uranus.. everytime when Uranus had a contraction, Neptune calmed down Uranus and made him rest.

One day, Uranus was writing on his diary until he felt a massive sharp pain  agaisnt his bump, he never felt that horrible pain before, but seconds later he felt water dripping.

Uranus groaned, “oh not now it's not the occasion you bloody fuckers!”

Neptune was in his orbit for a while, he saw Uranus but he was in a weird position, so he went to check him out if he was alright.

But once he checked, he was stunned... his mate was in horrid pain and he was in labor. He wasn't even fucking prepared that they'll come at this time.

He ran (or flew..) to get help, but he could only trust one person. And that was Pluto!, he may be too small for the baby but who cares....

Pluto came and he was terrified,  cause he NEVER saw a planet giving birth. He positioned Uranus in a comfortable birthing position.

Now this was the time to birth....

Pluto told Uranus to push, and Uranus pushed and pushed. Trying to get the fucking twins out of him, Neptune stayed besides him, encouraging him to push hard.

20 minutes passed and a baby sound came out, one of the baby's came out! Hooray!  Neptune grabbed the baby, but Uranus still had to continue pushing out the other one, or else it'll die.

Uranus pushed again for 20 minutes, he was LITERALLY about to faint because he was running out of energy to push. The baby was halfway out but Uranus couldn't push anymore.

Neptune tried encouraging Uranus to push one more time, And Uranus did, and then...

Another crying sound came out, and Pluto handed the other bloody baby to Neptune..

Neptune carried the twins in awe, finally meeting them after MONTHS OF FUCKING STRUGGLE. the end!

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