Mercury x Sun!

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Everything was normal at this time, all the planets were orbiting. Though they were all asleep after a long day of chaos.. The only one awake was the Sun, since they were the one who has to be protecting his planets. I mean, he would suck if he had none...... Though he was bored and he wanted to have fun! (If you know what I mean) So he could trust his only westy bestie small pookie bear planet, Mercury! 

"psst. mercury!" the sun inaudibly said, though no response to mercury since mercury is that type of planet to be in a deep sleep. This frustrated the sun since he was extremely bored. So he sent a solar flare at Mercury which woke him up immediately, though woken up in shock since the sun promised him that he'll stop throwing solar flares at him if he stays in orbit.  

Mercury looked at the sun angrily, "Sorry Mercury.. I had to do it- i'm really bored!!" the sun said in a delicate tone, so he wouldn't wake up the other planets and curse him out for waking them up. Mercury looked at the sun confused, why out of all the planets. Why does it have to be him? Though his curiosity wouldn't last long, so he asked. "Hey- uh. Sun? Why out of all the planets why does it have to be me?" 

"Well because you're my westy bestie small pookie bear planet Mercury!"  The sun grinned.

This slightly cringed Mercury but he dealt with it since he already seen worse about the Sun. Then the Sun muttered something to Mercury, which made Mercury jaw drop. First it was Venus, Now it was the Sun? Technically Mercury is getting fucked many times by Venus. This time it was the Sun- (Mercury is gonna fucking snap in half LOL)

Sadly Mercury had to accept, either way he got used to the pain because of Venus penetrating him. 

Since the planets orbited around the Sun, it was the perfect time since everyone was asleep. EVEN PLUTO. 

(Pertend they have bodies! Also we're skipping >_<)

Mercury groaned as the Sun entered, yet he had his eyes rolled since the Sun was MASSIVE, literally!

The sun watched satisfied and grinned aesthetically as he saw Mercury's little face. Honestly he could see this eternity if he wanted to, but he didn't wanna get judge by planets so he wanted to do this quick as possible

“ah- wait! d-dont move yet.. it's literally—” Mercury tried to slow things down but was deny by the Sun, who'm looked very merciful, but infact. The opposite. So he just thrusted roughly, and Mercury shouted so loud from the pain and enjoyance that the Sun gave. Since Mercury is literally small, nobody

could hear him shout out moans, not even Venus. (He's still burnt to crisp)

“S-Sun!~ please!!!~ that's too much for me to handle ur literally already s-snapping me in half!!!!!!~” Mercury pleaded, feeling the breaking cracking noise because of how rough the Sun was going. He already knew he was gonna die.

Mercury continued moaning so fucking loud (in his view LOL) and still had his eyes rolled back. That was until...


Mercury got split in half and the Sun didn't even expect that to happen, his best friend just got snapped in half though, at least he had his fun!

(Rip Mercury, 2023)

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