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I forgot how small Pluto is from Neptune, but we can work this out.. right...? 😥

Pluto was meeting Neptune again, since their bond as friends became closer and they kept meeting each other almost every day. This time Pluto didn't except to see Neptune out of his orbit, instead he was near the rocks. Though there was sounds of groaning (🛌🏻)

Pluto was blushing a little, he didn't know why Neptune was making that noise, though he was curious of finding out.. So Pluto got closer to Neptune and tried to take a peek, but they were too small.

So he sighed and said, “Neptune?” quietly.

This instantly scared Neptune, and froze.

“A-Are you okay Neptune..? Your making weird sounds...”

“u-uh YEAH! IM OKAY NEIGHBORINO!” Neptune studdered, yet not looking at Pluto, as if he was hiding something.

Pluto still didn't accept his answer, he still was curious what was Infront of Neptune, so he tried to move Infront of Neptune.

Neptune noticed and hid his tallywhacker somehow from Pluto. Pluto could see Neptune blushing a lot and he was breathing so much! (WHAT.)

“Uh— Neptune are you sure?” Pluto looked at him up and down..

This made Neptune blush even more....

he'd sigh finally accepting his fate saying,
“Im sorry Pluto- I have to finish this.”

( im trying to catch up help )

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