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this is during when earth died so... maybe 2.5?
Mars stood there waiting for Venus to arrive back, since Venus went to look closer at the explosion. He stood there whistling, but he completely forgot that he was in a Astroid Belt..

He heard a small laughter somewhere behind him. He shook it off at first cause he thought it must've been one of the inner planets but then the laughter kept on getting closer.. and closer... each time.

His circular body shivered in slight fear, he turned slowly to look behind him, that's when he saw a small moon with a massive grin, but holding a humongous astroid (damn ceres is STRONG alr...)

Then the small moon hit the astroid agaisnt Mars, which immediately made Mars black out from the hit. The small moon dragged the body somewhere else where the inner planets wouldn't see them, nor the gas giants (TALKING ABOUT JUPITER!!)

The small moon dragged Mars into somewhere in the astroid belt where no planets NOR gas giants see or go to spectate.
The small moon aggressively placed Mars against a big astroid, laying him down.

It spectated Mars up and down, thinking about something. The small moon thought for a second, 'I mean, would I kill him or do something else? Torture? Nah. Something more extreme should do..'

He stood there staring at him with a TERRIFYING grin until Mars woke up from his knockout.

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