13. Sippy Cup

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"Debs, you've got to get ready for school."

"I can't go to school."

"Why not?"

"Gin-Gin had me up half the night with diarrhea. " Debbie corrected bouncing her doll in her arms. "Oh Gin Gin..." debbie tsked.

"Nope. Nada. School." Davina corrected. "Hey Fi, I got to tell you something- Ian, school! You can't go in your underwear, please." He shoveled another bite of cereal in his mouth before heading upstairs.

"Whats up?" Fiona questioned.

"It's about Kev."

"Oh no, trouble in paradise?" Fiona teased but Davina's lips pursed. "What's wrong?" Davina looked around making sure they were alone.

"Kev said he is already married." Davina whispered.

"What?" Fiona spat.

"I know! I was freaking out!" Davina agreed.

"To who? Married still or married past tense? I didnt know he was married." Fiona corrected.

"Neither did I, and I thought I knew all his secrets." Davina remarked as she paced the kitchen.

"We have to tell V."

"Kev said he would. Her mum was going psycho about the planning already though." Davina remarked.


"I wasn't even thinking about getting married until he brought it up. Now I'm, like, obsessed." Veronica admitted.

"Wasn't he drunk when he proposed?" Fiona recalled. Hoping to sway her friend away from marriage, considering her boyfriend of many years was already married. To another woman.

"Oh, yeah. It was like that David Hasselhoff video, eating a cheeseburger."

"I never saw that." Fiona admitted.

"Oh, you gotta YouTube it. It's like a car wreck... you can't not watch." Veronica declared.

"You really want a drunk proposal to be the story you tell your grandkids?"

"My husband proposed to me at the top of the Sears Tower." a woman in the bathroom remarked. "Champagne and roses. Six months into the marriage, I found out he was fucking my sister."

"And the moral of the story is?" Veronica mused peering over the stall.

"My sister's a bitch." The woman answered before heading out.

"Other than the presents and the booze, give me three good reasons why you want to get married." Fiona decided.

"Lots of people who love each other get married every day, Fiona."

"I don't know, V." Fiona had to think fast Kev wouldn't tell her the twins knew it. "The way things are between you and Kevin right now, it seems perfect." Fiona countered. "Why ruin it?"

"Hey. Pee." A woman held out a tray and davina smiled touching it. It radiated warmth.

"Oh, it's fresh?" Davina agreed. "Clean as a whistle."

"Thanks, Davina... you have no idea what this means to me.''

"Means you get to smoke weed and keep your government job, and I get to eat." Davina corrected.

"It's lasagna, straight from the oven.  It's still warm."

" So's this." Davina countered holding out the pee container. "Keep it that way, if you want to pass." she winked as she headed out.

"Lunch!" Davina shouted. "Eat it or miss it, people!"

"What, more piss food?" Lip questioned.

"You know it." Davina agreed.

" All right! Cup-a-lasagna, anyone?"  Fiona questioned.

"Right here." Ian agreed.

"Who was on dishes today?"

"Fi, Fi, Fi, why was Veronica in here asking for Deb to help her at Target for wedding registry, I thought you were going to talk to her?" Davina questioned.

"I did." Fiona agreed. She ran out after Veronica. "Hey, I thought the wedding was off?"

"Nope!" Veronica called back. "Hey Sandor."

"Hey." He said as he moved to the door. "Dav here?"

"Inside." Fiona agreed distractedly.

"Hey, you," Sandor said wrapping his arms around Davina.

"Hey," she echoed. "I need to talk some sense into Kev, you want to come?"

"Sure." Sandor agreed. "I will drive."

"You having a car and no job is really useful. You are like Sandor the taxi man." Davina remarked.

"Where we going? Alibi?" Sandor countered.

"Yep." She held liam in her arms bouncing him contently.

"I could get a car seat put in." Sandor offered nonchalantly.

"Dont waste your money." Davina countered "he will just grow out of it."

"Safer." Sandor corrected. "If im going to sandor the taxi man," he added.

"You are so sweet and already do so much for me. I couldnt ask you to get a car seat."

"You didnt ask. I offered." Sandor corrected.

"Here we are my knight in shining armor." Davina remarked getting out of the car. Sandor ran around like a gentleman trying to open the door for her but she was used to doing things herself. He did beat her to the door of the alibi however and opened it up for her.

"Let me be the smallest form of chivalrous." Sandor requested.

"Uh, pretty sure you can't bring a baby into a bar, ma'am." Kev teased.

"And I'm pretty sure you can't get married if you already are." Davina corrected.

"Yeah, I know, I know." Kev murmured. "You want something to drink, Sandor?" Davina slapped a hand down on the bar.

"Don't change the topic. Why the hell doesn't she know yet?" Davina demanded.

"'Cause... I'm afraid to tell her." Kevin admitted.

" Kev..." Davina tsked.

"I don't want to make her sad, Dav." Kevin countered. "It would break my heart to hurt her."

"Just tell her the truth, Kev." Davina instructed. "If you don't, I will." Kevin sighed but nodded. "Can you hit me with a milk refill?" she held to Liams sippy cup. "Thanks."

"I will tell her, Dav."

"You better." Davina agreed. "Come on Sandor."

"Good seeing you." Sandor offered following after Davina.

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