4. Toaster

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"Where is our toaster? Who borrows a toaster?" Kevin demanded.

"Carl set theirs on fire trying to melt two action figures together." Vee remarked.

"Yeah? I don't give a shit if he was trying to melt his bills together. Tell him to buy a toaster. They're like 20 bucks, for Christ sakes." Kevin demanded before marching over to The Gallagers house.

"Why is it so cold in this house?" Davina questioned when she got home. It had been a week since her first car encounter with Sandor, over seven days of sandor showing up at the Lioness and talking the whole night with Davina. He drove her home and she promptly fucked him in the nearest alley. She wanted to tell Fiona, she told her twin everything but then again, Fiona was having some will she won't she with Steve and Davina didnt want to make things about herself but she needed to talk to someone about Sandor, glorious Sandor.

"Can someone get the door?" Fiona shouted from upstairs.

"Carl!" Davina pulled the bat from his hands. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The bat is for killing, not for taking to school. I don't need any more notes from your teacher." Carl rolled his eyes but let go of the bat. THe knocking continued and Davina moved to it annoyed.

"Oh hi Steve-" Davina remarked.

"No." Fiona corrected slamming the door shut. "Go away."

"Let him stay he gives us things." Davina corrected.

"I'm here for Ian, not for you, huh?" Steve countered. "And a latte for Davina."

"Befriend the brother to win back the girl? Give Dav a latte to make her happy? make her like you so she invites you?"

"Is that what I'm doing? You tell me." Steve countered.

"I would drink this... I need to drink this, Fiona dont be a gremlin." Davina begged taking it from him.

"Why is it so cold in here?" Steve questioned.

"Thats what I was asking." Davina agreed pulling on her coat.

"Where's my damn toaster? Huh?" Kevin questioned.

"Hey Kev," Davina remarked pulling on her hood.

"Who borrows a toaster?" Kevin demanded moving to the kitchen. Carl held his action figure over the sizzling toaster. "No! Yo, Destructo, that's my toaster!" Kevin picked Carl up moving him away.

"I'm trying to make Melted Man." Carl remarked smirking back at Davina.

"Yeah, well, use a blowtorch like a normal kid." Kevin Barked.

"yeah, like a normal kid." Davina laughed out.

"Hey, Fi, some flower delivery guy was looking for your address. Here." Kevin remarked.

"They're from him. Toss 'em." Fiona barked.

"So pretty!" Davina corrected reaching for them as Fiona threw them in the trash as Debbie moved around the kitchen looking for a signal with their very old, very duct taped laptop.

" No, they're not." Steve corrected. "Nope."

"Yes!" Debbie declared "Four bars. Thank you, Beaver327."

"Hey Fi," Davina tried to turn on the stove but it just clicked.

"shit." Fiona agreed.

"This is just how I want to come home from a long night." Davina remarked

"Goddamn it. The gas bill's late." Fiona grumbled.

"No wonder it's freezing in here." Davina agreed as Steve pulled out the card from the flowers.

"Fiona, thanks for a night I'll never forget. Tony."

"Give me that." Fiona snatched it from him.

"Who the fuck's Tony?" Steve questioned.

"Tony? Oh hes so sweet like a teddy bear." Davina remarked.

"You hooked up with Tony?" Lip questioned. "How charitable of you."

"Wait, Tony the cop? That Tony?" Steve questioned, Davina nodded.

"Yeah, and we had a nice time, okay? Tony's sweet. And he has a real job." Fiona remarked and Kevin started snoring.

"I'm sorry, I totally fell asleep when you were talking about him. How long was I out for?" Kevin questioned Davina whacked a hand at him.

"I like Tony-" Davina looked to Steve. "I like you better." She assured.

"Lip, phone." Fiona snapped her fingers at him and he passed off the flip phone.

"And what exactly does "hooked up" mean?" Steve questioned incredulously.

"Last time I checked, penis goes into vagina." Kevin answered.

"Wow! No, way." Davina mused. She looked around at the kids. " We're going to have oatmeal this morning." she decided.

"We need $587, or they won't turn the gas back on." Fiona remarked.

"I'm taking the PSATs for some Polish kid over in Ridgedale." Lip remarked. "He's supposed to give me, like, a hundred bucks." Davina nodded.

"I saw online that we can get an extra $200 a month from the state if we say Carl's retarded." Debbie laughed out.

"I get paid Friday." Ian added.

"I will figure out the rest." Davina assured. She looked to Fiona.

"No Dav." Fiona declared

"It would get us the money. And more..." Davina whispered.

"You are not striping," Lip agreed.

"Vee strips online." Davina reminded them

"That's different." Fiona decided.

"They tip the dancers not the waitresses." Davina reminded her.

"I'll figure out the rest." Fiona corrected. "School! Let's go. Everyone out."

" I can loan you the money." Steve offered. "Unless you want to get it from Tony the cop."

"You're still here?" Fiona sassed.

"Pay me back whenever... or not. Doesn't matter." Steve added.

"Let's go. You're going to be late. Go." Davina ushered them out the door. "Everyone out."

"You know, I could borrow a couple grand from you, Steve, and not pay you back." Kevin remarked.

"Is this a rebound thing with Tony?" Steve questioned.

"Sorry Stevie just came down with a case of none of your business. " Davina added. "Okay, can I tell you about Sandor now?" Davina begged.


"Our new neighbor that I have been fucking." Davina answered.

"Why am I just hearing this now?"

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