30. Umbrella

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"Maybe I'll never be able to make things right with you... but there's still time with Liam. And Debbie and Carl, I am so sorry if I hurt you. See, I love you so much." Monica assured. "Please let me be your mommy again. Please?"

"Dav?" Sandor questioned hearing a commotion.

"You know what? You're right." Fiona agreed. "You are their mother. And you're here now." Fiona sniffled. "So I'm done. I'm done with the school and the bills and the clinics. I'm done. They're all yours now, Mom. Good luck." Davina looked between them. She knew debbie and Fiona had been at each others throats lately but this was extreme.

"We get a life Dav. We get to be free of all responsibilities." Fiona remarked. "Doesnt that sound nice? They never cared anyways, right Debbie? YOu know best anyways and always."

"Fi," Davina whispered.

"I'm done."


"Umbrella." Fiona demanded.

Davina and fiona had a long talk. Both decided that at least for the night they were going to stay away from the house.  Let monica be the parent. Lip didnt like it. Ian either but debbie and carl were happy. They wanted their mother back. Davina hated leaving. She didnt trust monica not to steal liam away. They had been through the ringer the past few years and things were finally getting back to normal. Davina and sandor were in a great place. She found a guy that treated her right much like fiona found steve and the girls should have been happy they finally got to have a life like fiona suggested.

But what happened when monica decided she didnt like being a mom. She took liam. And ran. What happened then? She didnt want to abandon her family. But she lay in sandors bed. His father was shouting at the recaps from the game he missed while at chemo.

"I sort of thought your mum was dead."

"She is dead to me." Davina agreed.

"They gonna be okay?"

Davina perred over and saw the lights on. Lip stared back at her from her window.

"What are you doingnin my room?" Davina demanded.

"You left. I took your room. Be grateful Dav. Monica and Bob took Fionas." Lip agreed.

"Gross. Okay. And I didnt leave. Im just having a sleep over with my boyfriend." Davina corrected. "Tell carl and debbie lights out."

"Lights out!" Lip shouted and he heard a grumbled response. "You coming back right?"

"Its just for the night." Dav reminded him. "Ive done this before."

"It feels different this time."

It did.

"Night Lip." Davina countered blowing him a kiss before closing the window leaving it open just a crack before laying back down.

"What do you need dav?"

"A drink and to wake up and this all be over." Davina decided.

"So how long you plan on us staying here playing house?" Shrek questioned.

"Did you see those kids' faces? Do you see the way they looked at me?" Monica questioned happily.

"I'm not supporting seven kids." Shrek corrected. "We get the DNA results tomorrow. It'll prove Liam's not Frank's." she added. "That way if this shithead changes his mind, he can't ever try and take Liam back."

"Quiet. Quiet. They're sleeping." Monica begged.

"We are going to make a great family, baby. I'm going to take care of you and Liam like Frank never could."


"Yeah?" She whispered into the darkness.

"You know you can stay as long as you want." Sandor added.

"Monica didn't even bother to read to them or tuck them in. She probably forgot to use Liam's ass cream, too." Davina murmured hearing them shouting. "Lip-"

"Come back and fix this Dav." Lip countered. Davina plopped back down.

"Shes my twin. She says umbrella thats like our ride or die." Davina whispered.


"Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. When the world is all wrong. Weird shit falling from the sky and you just need a moment to breathe. To hide your head from the chaos around you. You put up an umbrella." Davina answered. "I can't remember the last time either of us umbrella'd."

"Its going to be okay Dav. If its not well we will figure it out." Sandor assured. "I love you."

"I love you." Davina agreed resting her head on his chest.

"Monica, Carl needs something from you. Here." lip handed over the slip.

" What? What's this?" Monica countered.

"Permission slip."

"Oh. You're going to the aquarium!" Monica squealed. "When?"

" Today. I need ten dollars." Carl added.

"What for?" Shrek barked.

"Admission fee."

"School doesn't pay for that?" Shrek demanded.

"No; and he'll need money for food." Lip added.

"Grab him an instant oatmeal and a Pop-Tart. Makes a great lunch." Monica looked around the crowded kitchen.

"Deb, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a poster board and markers. I'm running for re-election." Debbie answered.

"Ian, could you help her? If you all would tell me these things the night before, it would be a little better in the morning." Monica begged.

"I need 40 bucks". Lip added.

"No." Shrek yelled

"Bob, do you have a five?" Monica countered.

"In... in my wallet. Where it's gonna stay."

"Stop spying on your family." Sandor requested. "Just go over-"

"I like seeing moncia struggle." Davina chuckled. "You know when she left Fi and I dropped out of school. I got my GED... but tyrion was good to me. Gave me a job. Understood when I had to leave for the kids. I felt like a kid raising kids and now... i felt like a woman with my life together. Then this. They just swoop in and moms home. Franks sober for a hot minute- its just a lot." Sandor nodded holding onto her. "So let me watch monica struggle at what fiona and I have mastered since she left."

"You got it." Sandor agreed.

"Look, I need a new calculus textbook. I can get it used; only costs 20." Lip offered.  He knew Dav had some cash offered it up anything to have her kids learning but he could get one for less. He was going to milk it from these bitches if he could.

"Where are our lunches?" Ian added

"Huh? What is everybody looking at?" Monica questioned

"Start spreading peanut butter on bread." Shrek agreed.

"She left Carl at Oktoberfest until November. This is a woman who burned a hole in Liam's footie pajamas when she fell asleep smoking while nursing." Davina added. "She never called. Never came by. Never sent a damn card for their birthdays. It destroyed them."

"What about you? Did she destroy you?" Sandor whispered

"Ive been broken and torn apart. Ive been killed by the people that are supposed to love me most. But fi and I figured things out. We dug ourselves out of that pit."

"My warrior."

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