19. Dibs

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"You almost there?"

"What? I got to make lunches."

"Oh, tell me more." Steve agreed.

"Well, first I cut off the crusts..." Fiona answered.

"Uh-huh." Steve agreed working into her.

" - ...and then I put the apple slices in a baggie..." Fiona went on.

"Oh, don't stop."

"PLEASE STOP!" Davina begged. "This is the most painful foreplay I have ever had to heard!"

"Don't listen!" Steve countered.

"Don't rasp your sandwich talk towards my room." Davina countered banging a hand on the wall.

"Big family; thin walls." Fiona agreed.

Davina wasnt getting any more sleep anyways. She pulled herself out of bed. Got dressed and headed downstairs to screaming.

"Quit it!" Debbie demanded as carl sprayed her with a water gun.

"Hey, why do you have a squirt gun in the house?" Davina questioned pulling the water gun from Carl.

"Because I can't have a paint gun." he answered as though it was obvious

"That actually made sense." she agreed "and of course you don't have a paint gun in the house idiot, do you know how much damage would cause ?" she squirted him with the water gun. "Do you know how much damage you cause already without a paintball gun? go on". She squirted him again.

"Hectors at the pole." Carl declared peering outside.

"Shit shit shit," davina muttered.

"It's the third red notice this year. I'm sorry." Hector remarked as davina ran outside.

"Not the first time we got shut off; won't be the last." Davina realized. "Thanks for delaying the inevitable."

"Sorry Gallagher." Hector looked around "Is there any way that you can scrape the money together today?"

"We have it." Debbie agreed "Fi just forgot to pay it."

"And I took an extra shift last night, and we just spaced it." Davina agreed. She wouldn't put everything on Fiona. They both had to take responsibility for their bullshit. That included paying the bills. That was on the both of them.

"Call my cell phone when you pay it, I'll swing back at the end of the day." Hector suggested.

"Thanks, Hector." Davina declared.

"Power out?" Sandor questioned.

" just temporarily don't worry we always get it back on." Davina assured. " don't give me that sad helpless puppy look." she instructed. " I don't need you to come in save the day like a knight in shining armor. We've been doing this a long time we know how it works. We just spaced on the bill. We have most of the money." She added with a grin.

" well, that's good to hear because I don't have the money to give you as much as I would love to be your knight in shining armor." Sandor answered. " my dad's chemo meds and treatments are slowly bleeding me dry. I had a nice little nest egg now I have my idiot brother and father."

" welcome to the world of living paycheck to paycheck and stretching that paycheck very very far and pushing the notice of last red notice to the very end." Davina mused.

" I'm not that far yet, but if my dad keeps living then yeah."

" did you hope he was gonna die?" Davina questioned.

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