Modern day Sandor Clegane x Shameless crossover
The Gallaghers get some new neighbors and Fiona's twin couldnt help but be drawn to Sandor Clegane.
"Show me you are shameless right on my neck why don't you..."
All explicit and otherwise inti...
stephanie4354 you requested Shameless and Sandor, thank you for starting me on a new show, I hope you enjoy!!
"Someone is moving into the crap heap next door."
"What would you call our crap heap?" Fiona countered.
"This is the shit show. That's the crap heap." Davina corrected her twin.
"Technically someone already lived there." Debbie remarked. "Carl broke a window last month and this old scary came out." Davina stared back at the men. "Oh shit they saw us!" Debbie shouted running back inside. Davina and Fiona stared at the family. Two men.
"Ohh sexy and rugged and God hes a giant." Davina declared.
"Davina!" Fiona hissed. "Hello!" Fiona added when the men looked their way.
"Welcome to hell." Davina added with a smirk pulling her sister inside.
"Don't mind those Gallaghers." Korge Clegane grumbled. "They are always causing trouble the lot of them..." Gregor grumbled kicking forward a suitcase.
"You dont have to stay." Sandor reminded his brother, they couldnt stand being in the same state let alone in the same house.
"Dad doesnt trust you." gregor corrected.
"You want me to leave pops? Have gregor smother you in your sleep?" Sandor barked back. Kroge waved a dismissive hand at them.
"Kiss and make up and get me another beer." Korge demanded.
"Get it yourself you fuckers." Gregor corrected.
"You see?" Sandor countered. "You broke a hip and Gregor came to steal your money and drink your beer and leave you to die. Yet here I am."
"Here you are." Korge agreed. "Always were a little pussy."
"Why am I here?" Sandor questioned. "Why call me if you didnt want my help?"
"Because I knew you would come." Korge offered simply. "You were always the do gooder... hows that job going?"
"Made good money, got a new gig though that I can work remotely too, imagine that." Sandor remarked. "But I got some jobs lined up, I can't stay put here with you all day. We would kill each other."
"That we would." Korge agreed.
"Pops, I can stay but I am not staying to help you get back on your feet if Gregor is here." Korge looked sandor over, the burns on the side of his face from when he was a just a kid.
"You still pissed about that?" Korge questioned.
"Yeah." Sandor said simply as he went to unpack.
"Beer!" Korge shouted after him.
His older brother had pushed him into the firepit when they were kids, Sandor wailed out, Korge told everyone he tripped. Told the nurses and doctors that looked over the burns as little sandor wailed out that he tripped while they were camping. Korge didnt care then, didnt seem to care now, yet Sandor came back when his father needed him, like a damn sucker.
"Fiona!" Davina shouted.
"How much? For the van?" Fiona countered pulling out what little cash they had.
"It was a gift.' Steve corrected.
"A gift!" Davina agreed. "One we love so much thank you." Fiona had been seeing, more like fucking exclusively and constantly Steve 'bad boy' wilton. Davina liked him, he had a nice face and he gave them food and gifts every time he saw them. Who gets a young sexy sugar daddy? The Gallaghers were not that lucky and Fiona was fucking it up. Sure Steve was shady and might have stolen this van but he wouldnt have given it to them stolen, he stole another car, Davina decided and with the money he made off that stolen car he got them a van to transport their siblings around like grown up instead of marching through the freezing Chicago winters.
"How much? I will pay you back." Fiona grumbled.
"Save your pride and our money Fiona!" Davina begged "you want to be someones sugar daddy?" Davina questioned. "I will be that person and gratefully except all forms of food or vehicles as payment."
"Davina!" Fiona shouted.
"Listen to your sister." Steve agreed.
"Listen to me, I'm only younger by three minutes and clearly I soaked up all the brains in womb!"
"Close the window boy," Korge demanded. "The Gallaghers are at it again." Sandor stared out the window those as the girls he saw earlier were clearly in an argument. He saw the loud one cling to a man pleading, boyfriend Sandor thought gruffly before slamming the window shut.
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And Davina Gallagher as always is jodie Comer
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