28. Kill The Turtle

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"guys, don't get too used to this, okay?" lip told Debbie and Carl while the pins reset. 

 "what?" Debbie asked.

 "well, dad's not always gonna be so nice." lip told her honestly. 

"yes, he will." carl replied. 

"No, not when he starts drinking again, okay? He'll go back to his old ways and I don't want you two getting hurt." lip told them.

 "Hurt?" debbie asked confused.

"Never bowled my ass." Davina tsked. Sandor smirked back at her. 

"I did Wii bowling at the rich fucks house I was being security for back in the day." Sandor remarked. 

"Never bowled my ass." Davina repeated. "Strike... Strike? Show me." She requested he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck. 

"yeah, um. remember that turtle you had last summer?" lip asked Debbie his eyes drifting to an oblivious Davina. 

"walter?" Debbie asked. 

"yeah, yeah, walter," Lip agreed. "And you guys were really, really into him for like two weeks and you talked to him and you fed him. I mean, you took him everywhere with you, right? But after a while, you know, you guys got busy with other things so walters water never got changed and nobody fed him. Then like two months later debs, you wanted to show off walter to your friend susie and you guys started looking for him and when you found him he was all dried up and dead." Lip said dramatically. 

"Oh this easy huh?" Davina questioned. 

"You try with out me." Sandor half expected her to be a good bowler and just want his arms around her but no. The ball wavered on the edge of the gutter before sinking into it. 

"Help me again." Davina decided as her ball returned. 

"Now, you see, you guys are that turtle, okay? and dad's you. You get what i'm saying?" lip asked them. 

"dad's buying us another turtle?" carl asked. 

"no. no, no. forget it. never mind." lip said as carl went up to bowl.

 "don't worry, lip, I get it. daddy's gonna forget all about us when he starts drinking again." Debbie assured.  "I's okay. I don't mind. I'm gonna enjoy this while it lasts if that's okay." Debbie told her brother with maturity. Lip sighed, Debbie was right, she deserved to enjoy this if she wanted to.

 "yeah. sure, debs. that's, um... that's a good plan."  Lip agreed. 

"How is everyone better at this than me?" Davina questioned. "What am I doing wrong?"


"Any chance of you getting a job, now that you're sober?" Davina pondered as Sandor came in to pick her up for work.

"Shh! We're getting to the part where Katniss releases the tracker jackers that kills Glimmer."

"Dinner in the kitchen, if you want." Davina murmured heading to the door.

'Twelve down! Eleven to go!'"

"Come on." Davina insisted. 

"what's up?" lip asked Davina when he found her heading out. 

"Frank is... Frank. I have to go to work, dinner is in the kitchen." Davina added. 

"Dav you remember the last time been through this. remember? the last time dad was sober." lip told her.

"yeah." Davina agreed. 

"he, uh, had a bet with some guy at the bar and became the perfect dad. I mean, it was the first time he ever came to one of my little league games. Uh, I hit a double. fucking never saw him so proud." lip told her.

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