14. Part of Your World

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Lovebomb/ Bronn out now!

"You are very early." Davina remarked when sandor got to the club.

"Im right on time." Sandor corrected kissing her.

"You must be Clegane."

"You must..." sandor looked down and down some more.

"The owner of this fine establishment. Tyrion Lannister."

"Hey boss." Renly and Davina echoed.

"You have a meeting Sandor?" Davina questioned confused.

"New security." Tyrion agreed. "Welcome to the Lioness." Sandor smirked back at Davina. "No grab ass on shift Gallagher." Davina winked back at Tyrion.

"No promises. Hes a pretty one." Davina corrected.

"When am I getting you on stage Gallagher?" Tyrion questioned.

"Never." Sandor barked back.

"Clegane you are going to be patrolling making sure none of the men get to grabby. Stay in the back though dont block the stage." Tyrion instructed.

"Aye." Sandor agreed.

"Might need you at the door. Last guy idiot cousin Lancel broke his face trying to keep someone out." Tyrion murmured.

"Wherever you need me." Sandor agreed.

"Great get to work." Tyrion agreed. Davina kissed sandors cheek lacing her fingers with his. "Gallagher dont you have drinks to serve?" Tyrion questioned smiling up at her.

"Yeah yeah." She agreed pulling away from sandor and moving to the bar.

"Your boy toy is going to be working with us." Renly remarked.

"I heard." Davina agreed happily.

"He is really staking his claim." Renly added.

"I like it." Davina agreed.

"Got a problem though."

"Whats that?" Davina mused.

"He is going to get fired on his first night because he cant take his eyes off you," renly remarked nodding to him.

"Give me a beer." Davina said reaching over the bar. He handed one over. Sandor watched her hips sway as she made her way to him.

"Hi gorgeous."

"You got a job."

"I wanted to surprise you." Sandor remarked. "In case I didnt get it."

"Happily surprised." Davina agreed. She passed off the beer. "Dont get fired for watching me all night."

"Just most of the night," sandor agreed.

"The girls usually shout if there is trouble if that helps." Davina assured. "Frank?" Davina snapped.

"Hello gorgeous- dav? Fuck it." Frank murmured.

"Get the fuck out." Davina demanded. "You dont need a titty show. You cant afford the buy in."

"What buy in?" Frank sassed.

"100 bucks." Sandor answered.

"You got new muscle little dick?" frank questioned looking to Tyrion. Tyrion was a dwarf but he claimed he had a cock to compete with giants.

"Yes I did and the fee just went up," tyrion agreed. "200 for you frank." Renly chuckled from behind the bar.

"Come on Dav family discount?"

"Empty your pockets." Davina agreed. Frank pulled out his pockets and davina picked up a few bills. "23 dollars thats a lot for you... and 75 cents."

"Get out." Tyrion demanded. Davina shoved the money in her pocket and frank whined out.

"Hey thats my money!" Frank shouted

"For davinas troubles." Tyrion agreed. "Get out Frank."

"Sandor put those muscles I love so much, to work." Davina agreed.

" let go of me, you behemoth!" Frank shouted. Sandor grabbed him pushing him towards the door. Frank squealed as sandor twisted his arm back giving him a hard push out the door.

"Dont come back." Sandor demanded.

"Unless you got 300!" Tyrion answered.

"Fuck the lot of you." Frank grumbled.

"What is the entrance fee?" Sandor questioned.

"You dont pay it?" Tyrion questioned.

"I did the first time." Sandor offered with a shrug. "Probably."

"Alright back to work!" Tyrion declared. Davina pulled out the money but tyrion waved a hand. "Keep it. Any money frank has belongs to you Gallagher."

"Thanks boss." Davina answered.

"Now... back to work!"

The house was quiet. The gallagher was quiet about twice a day if they were lucky. At four in the morning if they werent up all night. One in the afternoon. Most everyone was out of the house. But today when Davina got home the kids were shouting and bickering and Fiona was making lunches.

"I love you working with me." Davina remarked kissing sandor again before jumping out of the car.

"Pick you up tonight." Sandor declared before pulling back over. She blew him a kiss before pushing through the door.

"Hey! Home!" Davina declared. She got a chorus of heys in return. "Morning cutie pie!" Davina pressed a kiss to liams head.

"Davina." Steve purred wrapping an arm around her.

"Steve the only reason you should be hugging me is if you have a present for me..." davina suggested.

"Chai on the table."

"I could kiss you but I wont," davina remarked turning around and taking a sip. "Carl, Debs, morning babes."


"Ian did you-" davina began.

"Yep." He answered holding up his report.

"Lip how about-"

"Done and done." Lip agreed.

"Im glad you both read minds im tired." Davina agreed sitting down and tipping her head into Lip.

"School!" Fiona demanded.

"Bye Dav," carl said as he passed. She grabbed his backpack pulling him to a hault.

"No throwing stars." Davina corrected.

"How do you always know?" Carl murmured.

"Bye love you!" Davina declared.

"You dont live here. Out!" Fiona instructed pushing steve out as well. "Goo steve." Davina waited until he was gone before giving her twin a pointed look.

"Hes not forever. We are from two different worlds." Davina remarked. "But steve could be fun for now..."

"Sandor isnt from another world?" Fiona countered.

"He got a job at my club." Davina remarked she couldnt hide her smile.


"Hes part of our world. Our fucked up world Fi."

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