32. Bail Me Out

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Muggle / Severus Snape out now!

"Oh my God." Davina declared happily. "Lou Malnati's!" Davina was easily bought with food. Deep dish pizza and candy. She wasnt one that cared for jewels and fancy dresses, she liked comfy and cozy. She liked stealing Sandors clothes because she swam in them.

"Thats not all." Sandor held out a phone and Davina's eyes darted between the phone and Sandor.

"I can't-"

"You can because I need to be able to talk to you, to see you and not deal with who's turn it is to have the phone because somehow its never you." Sandor remarked. "Take it," Sandor begged. "It's more for me than you."


Sandor was visiting gregor in jail smug as ever. Nothing could bring him down, he wanted to see Gregor rotting.

"Gallahers." Sandor called out. "Where you headed?"

"Prison." Ian answered

"What do you know me too." Sandor remarked. "Hop in."

"Sweet." Ian agreed as him and Lip climbed in.

"hey, grammy." lip said.

"who the hell are you?" she asked.

"grams, its us, lip and ian, franks sons." lip said.

"your grandsons?" ian said.

"oh, my goodness. would you look at you two. i have never seen apple and spice looking so nice." nana gallagher said with a laugh.

"thanks, grammy." Ian said with a charming smile.

"Just another moment mr Clegane, your brother was in a... bit of a fight this morning."

"Other guy dead?" Sandor questioned.

"Not yet." The guard answered.

"Take your time, I'm here to gloat." Sandor assured.

"Your brother causes a lot of problems for us."

"I believe it." Sandor assured. "He's better in here than out in the real world."

"I suppose but he's a pain in the ass." The guard murmured.

"how's it going in there?" lip asked her.

"well, the foods not so great, but the pussys pretty good. Never thought i'd be the type. oh, this dump ain't so bad. i can get blow anytime I like." Granny replied.

"sounds alright." lip said chuckled.

"yeah. The only thing that sucks is they got me cleaning toilets. I wanted to be on the kitchen crew. But they won't let me anywhere near the place. One meth lab explosion, and this is what i get." Granny gallagher said.

"well, yeah. it's probably the two college kids that died in the fire." Lip agreed. She stared back at them annoyed suddenly.

"so, what do you want?" she demanded.

"uh, we're, uh, trying to find dad's brothers. there's, uh, three, right?" lip asked her.

"who wants to know?" Granny asked.

"just us." lip replied.

"one might be my dad." ian told her.

"how so?" she asked.

"uh, monica boned a brother." lip offered.

"what?" she asked not understanding what lip said.

"monica, she fucked a brother." lip repeated.

"i never liked that woman." she decided.

"Pup." Gregor hissed.

"Im here because of pops". sandor remarked

"Wheres the bail money?" Gregor barked "why am I still in here?"

"Spent the money on my girl." Sandor remarked.


"Yeah. I bought her a phone some clothes-"

"You are fucking with me." Gregor demanded.

"so i give you the names, what are you gonna do for me?" nana gallagher asked.

"what do you want?" lip asked.

"cigarettes. carton a week." nana gallagher replied.

"what you can get blow in here, but not cigarettes?" lip questioned.

"go figure." nana gallagher agreed.

"yeah, you got it." lip replied.

"clayton, jerry, and my baby, wyatt. they're in the book. but don't bother with wyatt. he lost his testicles in the navy." nana gallagher offered.

"alright, lets go." an office told their grandmother.

"okay. thanks, grams." lip said.

"and you tell jerry that if he doesn't pay me back that 5 grand he stole i'm gonna send my ex husband ronny over to gouge his eyes out with a grapefruit spoon." She shouted.

"Shes rather low maintenance so I bought her family more groceries than they have seen in a lifetime." Sandor offered. "Oh and in the summer, I'm getting them a new pool for the yard."

"What the fuck! Pop is going to hear about this."

"Gregor you idiot you killed a man. You didn't make bail!" Sandor remarked with a laugh. "They finally caught you fucker. You are going to rot in here."

"Pops said he was sending me money." Gregor grumbled.

"For food and cigs I suppose,'' sandor agreed. ''But like I said. I spent it.''

''Times up Clegane''

''Im gonna kill you pup!'' Gregor barked. "Rip your fucking head from your fucking body!"

"Yep really helping your cause." Sandor agreed.

"When I get out of here im gonna skin you alive!" Gregor howled.

"Keep going. What else?" Sandor questioned egging him on, as gregor was dragged away with much difficulty.

"Your brother..." ian began

"My fuckin brother." Sandor agreed, he couldnt hide the smug smile on his face. "You done?"

"Yeah." Lip agreed

"Lets get you home then." Sandor remarked. "So what did your grams do?"

"What did your brother do?" Lip countered

"He Killed a man for snoring too loudly once, it doesnt take much to set him off."

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