20. In The Ass

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"Hey." Lip and Ian heard a guy next to a truck shout. "hey, yeah, i'm talking to you." he said pointing at lip.

"Yeah?" lip asked bored as he moved to the truck.

"You got a phone?" the guy asked.

"Did your truck break down?" Lip asked him.

"No, genius, I like standing in a shitty neighborhood with my dick in my hands." He grumbled. "Look, I'm already two hours late on this load I try to take one shortcut, this is what I get. My goddamn kid drained my phone playing doodle jump." He added waving around a useless phone. "My goddamn wife took my charger." He went on. "Listen, i'll give you 5 bucks if you let me use your phone. just one call." the guy begged.

"oh, we don't have a phone. Our dad says not till we're 18." Lip offered innocently. "Um, but you know what? there's a bar, I think, about 10 blocks that way. what's it called? uh, o'flahertys. o'flahertys." He shrugged. "Tell them your family's from county cork." lip offered.

"ten blocks?" the guy spat back.

"maybe five. straight shot." Ian told him.

"this is yours if you keep an eye on the truck." the guy said holding five dollars.

"Five whole bucks?" lip said pretending to be excited.

"Oh, cool. Thanks, mister." ian added.

"Hey, hey! Make sure no one gets near it." the guy added pointing at lip as he began walking over to the fake bar.

"Will do." lip said pointing back at him. Mandy passed lip a phone and lip bite off his glove so he could feel the buttons as the man grumbled heading away.

"Yo, kev. Forty third on Halsted... Bring a crowbar." lip said before he hung up the phone. "today's gonna be a good day."

"Get the fuck out of my house." Davina demanded grabbing the bat from its hook.

"You should dead-bolt your door. This is a dangerous neighborhood."

"Frank forgot to pay." two men barged in and Davina looked between them flustered.

"Frank doesn't live here anymore." Davina corrected and they finally looked at her.

"Yeah, well, just 'cause he don't live here anymore, doesn't mean you don't know where he lives now." Davina gripped the bat ready to swing as her eyes darted between them. "Put the bat down, pick up the phone, and tell him to get us the six grand he owes."

"What?" Davina rasped.

"Or bring back the car.... Or we'll come back and use the bat on you." he warned. Davina let the bat fall to her side as they left.

"Dav?" Sandor questioned pushing the already open door open farther.

"Could have used you three minutes ago." Davina murmured.

"Who was that?" Sandor demanded.

"Frank fucked up and now it's on me to pay his debt or I end up dead." Davina informed him.

"Fucking Frank." Sandor hissed.

"Yeah." Davina murmured hiding her face in his chest. "six grand, how am I supposed to do that? Find that sort of money just laying around..."

"What are you going to do?"

"Find Frank and hope he can clean up his mess for once." It was far fetched, Davina knew it but she had to try. 

"Jesus, Frank!" Davina demanded slapping him upside the head when she found him at the Alibi. "Two assholes busted into our house looking for you and some car?"

"Did they follow you here?" Frank questioned looking around anxiously.

"Where is it?" Davina demanded.

"I was invited to participate in a business venture." Frank offered with a shrug.

"What did you do with the money?" Sandor demanded.

"Tall stranger, that's just it!" Frank declared. "I wasn't given any money up front! I was simply promised that money would be shared with me once an insurance claim was... was settled. Has that promise been delivered upon?" Davina rolled her eyes. "No. No, it has not."

"I warned you, Frank." Kev murmured.

"You knew about this and you didn't tell me?" Davina demanded.

"Dav, I don't have the time to call you every time Frank has a bad idea." Kevin countered.

"YEAH!" Davina shouted. "One that is going to bite me in the ass!"

"I'll talk to them." Frank offered.

"Oh, yeah? And say what?"

"Hey guys, sorry I forgot to light the car on fire.... I was not doing the igniting. I was just doing the "park in a remote location." Frank informed them. "Unfortunately, I had to make a pit stop, and when I got back, the car was gone."

"You're gonna take care of this. Now." Davina sneered.

"Could go to Jersey for a while.... Stay with your Great Uncle George." Frank decided and Sandor put a hand on his shoulder keeping him still.

"No. You're staying here, and you're gonna take care of this car, 'cause you're also gonna be here to take care of Carl. He needs you to show up for him at Parents Night to discuss behavioral problems." Davina demanded. She grabbed his ear when he hesitated and yanked. He screamed out in pain swatting at her hand. 

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